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LimeLightGaming Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Open Series #1 - Printable Version

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Re: LimeLightGaming Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Open Series - reefaz - Sep 23, 2015

Steam Name: Reefaz
Profile Link:
Current CS:GO MM rank: MGE

Don't fit me with ousmn, He cant focus then.

Re: LimeLightGaming Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Open Series - Klinex - Sep 23, 2015

Steam Name: ²Keksta
Profile Link:
Current CS:GO MM rank: DMG

I'm available if needed :p

Re: LimeLightGaming Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Open Series - Labrador - Sep 23, 2015

Team Name: Great Britain
Link to team logo (if you have one): [Image: qF7nGeL.png]

Player 1 Name: Chocolate Labrador
Player 1 Profile Link:
Player 1 CS:GO MM rank: GN3

Player 2 Name: BasicallyMental
Player 2 Profile Link:
Player 2 CS:GO MM rank: GN1

Player 3 Name: Jonataane
Player 3 Profile Link:
Player 3 CS:GO MM rank: GN3

Player 4 Name: Keksta
Player 4 Profile Link:
Player 4 CS:GO MM rank: DMG

Player 5 Name: LivXK
Player 5 Profile Link:
Player 5 CS:GO MM rank: MG1

Re: LimeLightGaming Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Open Series - Freezak - Sep 23, 2015

(Sep 23, 2015, 07:57 AM)Chocolate Labrador link Wrote: Team Name: Great Britain
Link to team logo (if you have one): [Image: UK-CSGO-DB-Logo-90.png]

Player 1 Name: Chocolate Labrador
Player 1 Profile Link:
Player 1 CS:GO MM rank: GN3

Player 2 Name: BasicallyMental
Player 2 Profile Link:
Player 2 CS:GO MM rank: GN1

Player 3 Name: Jonataane
Player 3 Profile Link:
Player 3 CS:GO MM rank: GN3

Player 4 Name:
Player 4 Profile Link:
Player 4 CS:GO MM rank:

Player 5 Name:
Player 5 Profile Link:
Player 5 CS:GO MM rank:

We'll take solos in, We're not going to be racist and only take British people.


Re: LimeLightGaming Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Open Series - iac - Sep 23, 2015

(Sep 22, 2015, 09:49 PM)Devin link Wrote: Is this gunna be a one off thing or would you do it again if it's a success?

i'll be doing one some time later on - gonna buy some servers
just need to go buy a new isp and get speeds up up 78mb!!!!!(for twitch streaming)

Re: LimeLightGaming Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Open Series - Jordy - Sep 23, 2015

(Sep 22, 2015, 09:47 PM)Wood link Wrote: All casters are required to have a licenced copy of XSplit Professional though (only £15 for three months) as we'll be using an XSplit with WireCast broadcasting system.

Who pays for programs nowadays????

Re: LimeLightGaming Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Open Series - Disabled Angel - Sep 23, 2015

Steam Name: Disabled Angel
Profile Link:
Current CS:GO MM rank: LE

Applyin to take some ass and kick some names!

Re: LimeLightGaming Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Open Series - Spooki - Sep 23, 2015

I thought this contest thingy would happen this week, the anticipation is killin meh! Big Grin 9 days to go. Hehe

Re: LimeLightGaming Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Open Series - Zecon - Sep 23, 2015

[Image: S7qhJ6Y.jpg]

Good evening community.

I am happy to announce the groups me and Wood have decided upon for the upcoming CSGO Open Series we are doing:

The Gay Pirates
The Sheeps
Team Avalanche

Sue's Slags
Raptor's Bae

Swedish in Pyjamas
Innocent Streaks
Banzai Bandits

Team upO
Loyal Gamers
Team LimeLight
Great Britain

I'm sorry to all the solo guys that we unfortunately could not put into a team, on the bright side if a player on a team could not turn up (which is a likely scenario), you will be the first people we will contact. (sorry ousnub).

If you wish to look at the second post I have made on this thread (first page), it has all the groups & teams in detail, as well as the account which I will add all the teams on when it comes to their games.

Re: LimeLightGaming Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Open Series - franku - Sep 23, 2015

my team is fukd
gg bois wp

Re: LimeLightGaming Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Open Series - Mathias - Sep 23, 2015

plz add militia and assault to the map pool

Re: LimeLightGaming Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Open Series - Project - Sep 23, 2015

Friday and Saturday are gonna be for the Group stages? Also if we need to replace a player completly when and where do we do it? What time is games gonna start in Saturday

Re: LimeLightGaming Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Open Series - Joey Skylynx - Sep 23, 2015

I didn't get put into a team :c

Re: LimeLightGaming Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Open Series - Doodleh - Sep 23, 2015

Quote:Player 5 Name: Doodleh
Player 5 Profile Link:
Player 5 CS:GO MM rank: Gold III (Not-So-MLG-but-still-MLG)

Must be Master Guardian I :3

Re: LimeLightGaming Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Open Series - Colliins98 - Sep 23, 2015

We are happy to inform you that Kpred will now be playing for Weston-Super-Carlisle-Lads and not The Gay Pirates. Sorry for any inconvenience that we might have caused.