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Roast the person above you - Printable Version

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RE: Roast the person above you - give me the gamemode - Aug 22, 2017

nah i just dont play on the servers cause im not a fucking rp nerd like yourself

RE: Roast the person above you - Enzyme - Aug 23, 2017

Oh Tails... You're talking about others being nerds like you're any better?

Listen here edgekid.

You're the result of 3,5 billion years of evolution. You get that right? Your ancestors fought and adapted to survive, only to produce whatever the fuck you are...
Your parents might call you a disappointment, but jesus fuck that's an understatement. You're the biggest disappointment 3.5 billion years of evolution could produce. Those before you have fucked, killed and fucked some more, fighting to spread their DNA while you're content sitting in your room trying to impregnate a crusty sock.

3,5 Billion years of evolution.. You live in the best time of our species and you have access to healthcare, food, water and education yet you write unoriginal posts on a roast-thread with an english and grammar more broken than your inbred genome.  I guess that's what you get when your family-tree is pretty much a circle by this point. #HopingYouCanFindACousinToReplaceTheSock

I'd like to roast you more on a personal level but you're as insignificant and boring as one can get. I'd rather crawl for the rest of my life on broken glass than to see your unoriginal weak ass roasts. Be original or fuck off to the wank-cave that you came from. 

Get the fuck off my roast-thread with your weak shit, Tails.

RE: Roast the person above you - Bambo - Aug 23, 2017

Oh dear Enzyme.

I've seen you try and roast people here and honestly buddy your inactivity on the servers is apparently a good thing, think about it, you wrote those words by taking your sweet time, looking at the hunting trophies you have and a framed photo you have on your desk from a hunting trip and that's the best you've come up with? Oh come on, I bet the only reason people haven't said anything about your 'quality' roasts is because of that title under your name. With your inactivity, you've become only a myth to some, who when they meet you are disappointed because, oh the guy who wrote Temar that poem should be so cool! Here's the news kids, he's all voice. Now, I'd continue but I don't want you to sleep hugging your moose trophy making it all wet with your sweet tears.

RE: Roast the person above you - Mr.Sir - Aug 23, 2017

Get out of here Bambo, you need to use VPN because you live in a shitty Developing-country.

Oh btw ur building skills actually sucks, i was just trying to be nice not to say it.

Edit: Btw Enzyme this is MY roasting thread you Norwegian pleb

RE: Roast the person above you - PaulB - Aug 23, 2017

Mr.Sir the guy who likes to send pictures of his balls to men, abuses the fuck out of his cat, and somehow fucks up his hand by falling over.

RE: Roast the person above you - yutgjctguc - Aug 23, 2017

PaulB, whose only life is "Developing" this server, and send photos of his vagina to laidies.

RE: Roast the person above you - Bambo - Aug 23, 2017

This is the roasting thread NOT attempts at looking miserable thread.

RE: Roast the person above you - yutgjctguc - Aug 23, 2017

This is roasting, not attempt trying to be funny

RE: Roast the person above you - give me the gamemode - Aug 23, 2017

fuck whoever is above me @Enzyme wants to start shit he fucking can

You're nothing but a fat sack of fucking lard and grease scraped from the McDonalds refuse tray, atleast thats what you smell like you fucking cretin. It seems to be something that runs in your family, but then again nobody in your family can run because you're so crippled from all that excess weight. Do you wash your hair with your ass sweat? It looks like that, or maybe you don't wash it at all. Your mum is a binman and your dad is a dinner lady and you're just a big waste of my fucking tax money

RE: Roast the person above you - yutgjctguc - Aug 23, 2017

@"Tails"' life: Write useless "roasts" to a gaming forum.

RE: Roast the person above you - give me the gamemode - Aug 23, 2017

shut ur mouk

RE: Roast the person above you - Enzyme - Aug 23, 2017

Tails your "roast" could have worked if I was actually overweight. I get that obesity is common for you and those around you (that only being your family because you're too awkward to socialize) but you need to understand that not everyone behind a keyboard is an overweight keyboard warrior who is compensating for his real life insecurities by acting tough on the internet.

Again, try to make your roasts personal, you unoriginal fuck. I thought you autists were actually meant to be good at something.

RE: Roast the person above you - Midget. - Aug 23, 2017

Are you called Enzyme because you are always breaking down?

Fuck that was bad

RE: Roast the person above you - give me the gamemode - Aug 23, 2017

@Enzyme I'm Scottish, we have the life expectancy of full fat milk. Socialising isn't a big priority so I'm basing your weight off of the baby pictures yer maw showed me.

You say I'm unoriginal, but all you did was prove how insecure you are by defending your weight. Apparently you're a "Super Administrator", but the only thing super about you is how bland your fucking personality is. I have literally met tins of paint that I would rather have a conversation with than you, at least the paint can hold a conversation better.

It honestly wouldn't surprise me if we get a thread stating how you killed yourself, if I had a life like yours I would too.

RE: Roast the person above you - Cooli - Aug 24, 2017

can we please get more personal in the roasts, calling people idiots or something is not a roast.