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Full Version: Burnett and his sausage
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Burnett jerking his sausage
don't watch if you're easily offended or something lel
this is what goes on in the server? wow need to join more often Wink XD
....and that is what staff do in their free time!
I must've been AFK on build,  while Safira and you set an animation on my character.

build    [10:13:53]    [L²]Safira    (STEAM_0:0:71022534)    said: // Let's see if we can make the hand move
build    [10:13:59]    [L²:RP] Welker    (STEAM_0:1:87447916)    said: Omfg

Surprise surprise I have access to logs!

[Image: 53675114.jpg]
Wow. Burnett dev aboose
You know you don't have to do that by yourself right Burnett? can always offer a helping hand.
*breaks through wall*
Anyone needing a helping hand?

Awww shucks, too late.
this pretty much proves burnett is a lefty, because studies ive conducted show that 99.3% of people who flatter themselves use their opposite hand to do the deed.