What did everyone think of the Survival Event?
Please post the things you liked and/or disliked so we as organizers know what the community wants, and what we can do to improve future events.
To be completely honest, I found it a bit boring as there was a lack of jobs or roles that could be chosen. For example, we couldn't be Chefs, Gun dealers, Firemen, Corleone etc, which for me, reduced the overall RP.
I felt like I wasn't involved in what was going on, and because of the lack of vehicles it was very far spread out, making it hard to find an RP. For those who were a part of the main RP, such as the bandits and Anarchists, they played a larger part of the RP and have a more significant role.
That was just my point of view, but I appreciate the effort that went into the event anyway

The Survival Event was great, however I think that maybe the lack of loot was one of the main problems (maybe I just couldn´t find anything

Overall it went great and was happy I participated, keep up the great work!
It was quite good. It was refreshing to have an event after so much time.
I feel like people where afraid to RP by themselves. I so too little RPs.
I think there was a lack of loot, through the whole thing all I found was a headcrab which I traded for some chinese food.
Also sawing up living test subjects was a fun part
I wish you announced it on the forums so I wouldn't have been as horribly late as I was :3
Thanks everyone for the feedback so far.
For next event we will try to:
- Increase player interactivity, meaning players having to interact with eachother so it will feel more alive.
- More assigned roles so players are sure of what to do.
- Forum post / advertising.
- (More loot - only works for this survival event, which I'm fairly sure will be done again in the future).
(May 11, 2016, 10:40 PM)Maniac Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks everyone for the feedback so far.
For next event we will try to:
- Increase player interactivity, meaning players having to interact with eachother so it will feel more alive.
- More assigned roles so players are sure of what to do.
- Forum post / advertising.
- (More loot - only works for this survival event, which I'm fairly sure will be done again in the future).
That would be better. I think it would be a better approach for player interactivity and roles if we had a forum post like for the Dictatorship RP thing that went down, that way everyone has the opportunity to have a role that they like and feel comfortable role playing in.
Everyone can make an application of a job they would like to take part in, like
this thread
Me and maniac will sit down this week end and try plan an event that will happen next week. We will take onboard your guys feed back and make the next one even better!
I think I should help because I'm a pro event planner
If you guys need any help hit me up, I've done a few events in the past such as my hilltop witch burning roman invasion thingy if you can remember that
Was only there for two minutes but it seemed like a total mingefest.
Might be because I got there right at the end though......
I really liked it!
Try it on weekend please

Hey guys, how did tonights event go?