The Federal Investigation Agency are seeking agents and leaders to assist in our pursuit of a new beginning.
Here is a rudimentary list of sectors in which we are hiring for:
- - Security
- - Military
- - Pharmaceuticals
- - Medical Sciences
- - Computer Programming
If you are skilled in any of these fields, or feel like you have a useful talent, please contact the following number:
(pm me)
Also, if anyone has any information about the C.B.I, or any of the following people:
- - Michael Kurts
- - George 'Edward' Snowden
- - Levi Winchester
Please contact that number as they are wanted by the FIA for stock fraud, fraud, murder, manslaughter and numerous petty crimes.
![[Image: 05WHpu5.jpg]](
I have to question this, but why is a "Federally" run and operated Investigation agency looking for medical science, RnD, military aspects and Pharmaceuticals?
We branch out into different sectors, such as Samsung. Our company model was based off many pre-existing organisations and our separate sector management was based from Samsung's.
(Interesting vid to watch:
Yes, but thats generaly not how things work here.
You have groups like FUMUKU who have it pre-written in their clan background and long history that they have that kind of setup, it makes sense, you have groups like Aeris who also have a similar setup as well.
You are "Federal" agency who in your own clans discription:
"What the FIA do:
We are an organisation which assist the U.S government in terrorism, cyber-terrorism and movie piracy.
What you'll see of us (IG):
We are usually SS, however during 'peak' times, we will become citizens and fight that way."
To me there needs to be some logic to a clans activity and listed methods, more so for those who are listed on the stock exchange.
Otherwise you get an S.A.A situation where a "Shadow Associates Agency" started trying to become FUMUKU and began running public advertisements, public security jobs, public medical centers, and had big billboards and signs saying who they we're all over.
It just didnt make any sense for their RP type.
You may want to think about renameing the clan and reforming it under something more fitting to your RP style.
We started off as a federal agency, however we since started to begin branching out.
(May 8, 2016, 08:27 PM)Rapid Wrote: [ -> ]We started off as a federal agency, however we since started to begin branching out.
That's like saying the FBI went private and for some reason started doing medical research.
We are not the FBI. Just because we have "federal" in our name, it doesn't mean we are government.
FEDERAL - adjective
having or relating to a system of government in which several states form a unity but remain independent in internal affairs.
Your logo is literaly a mix of the CIA and the FBI's logo:
The connection is there.
My main point is: If your listed on the exchange, your clan is as it is and expands in a logical manor to that of the RP type you have set out for yourself.
If you wish to do something radicly different as you are doing, i advise you rename the group and form into something more fitting to your RP Intent.
I understand your point, but at the moment the name and description of the FIA are the least of my worries at the moment regarding the clan.
That is very well known.
If you wish to continue this route of diverging from your initial clan RP set in the IPO, you will need to reform the group as something new.
the IPO will not carry over as it will be completely different and may be turned into an NPC stock
They want medical and research members because they are completely militarised, corrupt and making chemical weapons. Why else would a federal agency need it? They dont have paramedics or any form of public services. So selling medical supplies with out reason to the public seems very dodgy, think, if they could contaminate a few small people with a mega virus it would kill milions and would be very hard to detect. Plus they could develop them with out anyone knowing.
What next, sucide bombers with uranium strapted to their chest? This is leathful.