Your Name: What is your name? Rapid
Ban ID: What is your Ban ID(this isn't your SteamID)? [font='Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif][font='Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif]2859[/font][/font]
Banned by: Who issued the ban? Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag. [font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif][L²:M] Soviethooves[/font]
Server: Which server did it happen on, V33X or Rockford? v33x
Ban Reason: What was the exact reason for the ban? "[font='Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif]Propblocking off Corleone Gas Station and using for contra base with over 100 hours. Read the rules before returning to the servers. With 100+ hours, you should know better."[/font]
Why should you be unbanned?: Why do you think you deserve/should be unbanned? It wasn't problocked. There was a keypad either side of the gate. If you're reffering to the doors, the props were no collided.
Evidence: Put anything here that would support your claims like a video or pictures. Hopefully the logs show me nocolliding the props and placing and using keypads.
When I investigated the building, although you had keypads on the gates, who gave you permission to base in a passive RP area or build in public? Also, during the investigation I looked into the base and saw those doors were prop blocked. I don't know if this was a mixup on your end or the tool's end, but what I saw was propblocking.
The doors were unowned, so I presumed it wasn't public. It wasn't hurting anyone as there is another petrol station. And, I had used both doors several times so they were both definitely no-collided.
EDIT: The reasoning of them being there is because the doors are glass and people may have been able to see in.
It is considered a Passive RP area. It's not only the area which you chose to be your base, but who places their contraband in a gas station, in the middle of the building? Think real life picture before you put plans into action.
I attempted to make the building look deserted, with the boarded up windows and fences. Also, how am I meant to know it's a "Passive RP area"? If you are referring to Rule 18.1, I tried to keep it from looking like an 'obvious shop' by making it look abandoned. And, as an anarchist, I didn't seem it fit to own an entire building. But hiding in an abandoned one? More realistic.
(May 8, 2016, 08:40 AM)Rapid Wrote: [ -> ]I attempted to make the building look deserted, with the boarded up windows and fences. Also, how am I meant to know it's a "Passive RP area"? If you are referring to Rule 18.1, I tried to keep it from looking like an 'obvious shop' by making it look abandoned. And, as an anarchist, I didn't seem it fit to own an entire building. But hiding in an abandoned one? More realistic.
So the best way to make it look abandoned is to put blinding white props in front of the doors with pitch black poorly placed props on the windows surrounded by a gated in perimeter which looked as if you had no care in the world when building it? To make a building look abandoned by rule standards you must put effort into it. This was obviously something you slapped together in 5 minutes to theow contra in. You were banned for these actions and seeing your hour count meant you knew the rules well enough about what you were doing. If anyone has anything to add to this please do so.
I was trying to black out the windows to make it look like the lights were turned off. I am not the best at building so I thought a fence perimeter which was easy to do and didn't look too bad was ok
As for the reason, I was clearly not prob blocking and If I was allowed to join the server with a staff members consent I would maybe be able to use /restoreprops to prove that they were no-collided?
This seems to be a 2-sided argument as usual per these unban requests, so I will await the administrator reviewing this case to make a statement to end this useless arguing.
The door on the other side of the gas station furthest from the villas was blocked by a one-way prop, making it so you can not open the door from the outside. I could be wrong but I believe all of the props blocking the windows and doors were one-way.
The one usable screenshot I got, the door was blocked by my head.
![[Image: 808DABB968D43ED03746DCAEA28C250EA977A19E]](
If you placed the crosshair on the metallic bar (which you would irl) then you can open both doors from either side.
Any chance of me actually being able to play tonight?
(May 10, 2016, 07:05 PM)Rapid Wrote: [ -> ]Any chance of me actually being able to play tonight?
Sorry for the late update. The ban will still stand due to you blocking a Passive RP zone and building in public without staff permission. You are also guilty of propblock from my trials before banning you. This might have been a tool glitch, but we will stick with the rules.
Requesting denial