May 7, 2016, 01:58 PM
Username: [L²:RP] Constrictor
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:59960025
Server: V33X
Time: Entire day.
General Mingery
New Life Rule
Combat Rule 4.1D
Revenge Killing
I had been conducting a Black Market RP for hours. Constrictor joined my RP once by coming to my Backstreet location. (Area shown below)
![[Image: 2B573BB2555481E657CCBDC8B1CE088E7B127186]](
Situation 1 (Part 1/7) - Here is the part where Constrictor came and was sketchy, I luckily noticed this and got the upper hand. I had to execute him to prevent him from coming back and trying to kill me again or interfering with my business. The interesting thing is that he lied about it and said he was hired to come kill me. During the video you can clearly see him change his job title from Mugger to Criminal, before he left to come back later with the mask and weapon.
Situation 2 (Part 2/7) - Here is the part where Constrictor broke NLR to return and complain about me taking his items after killing him. Not sure why Barkles didn't BL him for NLR considering he has plenty of hours to know what NLR is.
Situation 3 (Part 3/6) - After waiting the duration of his NLR as he should've, he returned to tell me an important message. IMO this is clearly FailRP and New Life Rule. He is saying that based on my characters interaction with him in a previous life.
Situation 4 (Part 4/6) - Here is the part where Constrictor once again returns to my RP zone to attempt to stir up trouble. This time he sees an opportunity to frame me and another BMD for selling weed. As seen here, he just runs up to the cop and starts shouting that. The cop is seen arresting Torigrimes, and for some reason Constrictor knocks him out and beats him to death with a baton. After being confronted by Barkles. He said he killed the officer to save his friend from being arrested because apparently the man being arrested had saved Constrictor's life before. I find this information to likely be falsified based on the timing of everything and the rate of reappearances Constrictor took to my RP zone to bug me. I also don't believe that justifies him knocking out the cop and executing him there and then simply because he was conducting an arrest on someone who really had no RP connection to Constrictor. He simply went on with it as a way to get out of being arrested.
Situation 5 (Part 5/6) - Here is the part where Constrictor comes up as a BMD and annoys me about giving him a job. I constantly have to tell him to go away. He gets his camera and takes an incriminating photo to attempt to frame me for murder where I then chase him and get him under FearRP, as well as an officer who stumbled into the situation, and proceed to destroy the evidence and knock them both out before disappearing. As seen in the video, Constrictor behaves in a way that I would classify as FailRP. When I ask him to take out his camera, he quickly takes more photographs of me and the officer.
Situation 6 - (Part 6/6) - This is the entire situation from the first interaction I had with Constrictor after a prolonged period of time, likely an hour if not more. He made multiple job switches in this period. Seeing me, he saw an opportunity to annoy me once again. This time he Metagamed to obtain who I was based on getting my name off my vehicle and property. He annoyed me once again about getting a job and I kept telling him to leave, where he then began a prolonged period of door knock spam and verbal harassment. He later left to hire a hitman for me apparently threatening to kill him in that situation, which according to the video can be shown to be incorrect and falsified, therefore resulting in a violation of Combat Rule 4.1d regarding insufficient reasons to hire a hitman. Nitrogue and Arach were both the hitmen who killed me but according to them they were told that he had proper reason because I made death threats.
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:59960025
Server: V33X
Time: Entire day.
General Mingery
New Life Rule
Combat Rule 4.1D
Revenge Killing
I had been conducting a Black Market RP for hours. Constrictor joined my RP once by coming to my Backstreet location. (Area shown below)
He was FailRP'ing by annoying me constantly asking me for a job where upon several occasions I told him to leave and even flashed my gun to scare him away. He ran off and I suspected he would come back so I ran up top to the catwalk and waited and he arrived shortly later with a mask and an assault rifle. I jumped down and got behind him and after he put his weapon away he admitted that he was coming to kill me, where I decided I had to put him down to prevent him from interfering with my business or coming back to attempt to kill me again. He lost his AK and was pretty upset so he broke NLR to come whine about it, where as I had Barkles stop him and move him away. He PM'ed me constantly asking for it back, where I then decided to block PM's from him. After this point, he spent countless hours interfering with my RP. Once there was a cop apprehending a suspect nearby and Constrictor ran to him and started yelling that we were selling weed in the back alley in an attempt to have us arrested out of his spite and anger. Luckily the cop was busy and I didn't have to get an administrator to interfere with his FailRP behavior. He came back multiple times annoying me, but one time he came back with a friend who was dying when he walked in the back alley. As soon as he died, Constrictor took a Camera and took several incriminating photos, where he then ran towards the Nexus but I had him under FearRP at the park and forced him to come back. A cop, Cameron, witnessed this and chased me into the alley however was also met with a gun to the face. I forced them both to put their hands up and I decided not to execute them but to simply knock them out and disappear. I did this and went to my alternate hideout at Industrial. During this time, both Cameron and Constrictor changed jobs. Cameron went SWAT and Constrictor went Mechanic. It was an hour or two without seeing either of them and then all of a sudden Constrictor rolls up to my shop in Industrial. He metagames and figures out it is my place, where he then begins to ask for a job once again and when I say no and tell him to go away he continues to verbally harass me. Logs can show this exactly. I tell him he has 10 seconds before I come out there and he keeps refusing to leave and harassing me. Eventually he leaves, however he left to recruit a Hit Service to kill me for apparently threatening to kill him. This is an invalid reason because I never threatened to kill him. Luckily a Gun Dealer witnessed him hiring the Hitman and gave me the details and I was prepared for when they both arrived and I managed to take them in and rope them up, however a second hitman soon came in and finished me when I had them tied up in the back room. Constrictor clearly has no idea how to behave nor role-play and I'll be supplying further video evidence to support this. Most of the evidence will be found via chat logs since I have only been using in-game chat and using /me.
The entire day I spent dealing with Constrictor trying to, in one way or another, get revenge because he lost his AK. He went out of his way to FailRP and annoy me and try to ruin my RP. At one point, after coming back from his NLR after I killed him he runs back and shouts /y YOU ARE A DICKHEAD and then runs off. That was nothing compared to the constant verbal abuse he was spouting. The last part was the last straw. Hiring a hitman and lying about the reasons because he wanted to get his revenge kill.
The entire day I spent dealing with Constrictor trying to, in one way or another, get revenge because he lost his AK. He went out of his way to FailRP and annoy me and try to ruin my RP. At one point, after coming back from his NLR after I killed him he runs back and shouts /y YOU ARE A DICKHEAD and then runs off. That was nothing compared to the constant verbal abuse he was spouting. The last part was the last straw. Hiring a hitman and lying about the reasons because he wanted to get his revenge kill.
Situation 1 (Part 1/7) - Here is the part where Constrictor came and was sketchy, I luckily noticed this and got the upper hand. I had to execute him to prevent him from coming back and trying to kill me again or interfering with my business. The interesting thing is that he lied about it and said he was hired to come kill me. During the video you can clearly see him change his job title from Mugger to Criminal, before he left to come back later with the mask and weapon.
Situation 2 (Part 2/7) - Here is the part where Constrictor broke NLR to return and complain about me taking his items after killing him. Not sure why Barkles didn't BL him for NLR considering he has plenty of hours to know what NLR is.
Situation 3 (Part 3/6) - After waiting the duration of his NLR as he should've, he returned to tell me an important message. IMO this is clearly FailRP and New Life Rule. He is saying that based on my characters interaction with him in a previous life.
Situation 4 (Part 4/6) - Here is the part where Constrictor once again returns to my RP zone to attempt to stir up trouble. This time he sees an opportunity to frame me and another BMD for selling weed. As seen here, he just runs up to the cop and starts shouting that. The cop is seen arresting Torigrimes, and for some reason Constrictor knocks him out and beats him to death with a baton. After being confronted by Barkles. He said he killed the officer to save his friend from being arrested because apparently the man being arrested had saved Constrictor's life before. I find this information to likely be falsified based on the timing of everything and the rate of reappearances Constrictor took to my RP zone to bug me. I also don't believe that justifies him knocking out the cop and executing him there and then simply because he was conducting an arrest on someone who really had no RP connection to Constrictor. He simply went on with it as a way to get out of being arrested.
Situation 5 (Part 5/6) - Here is the part where Constrictor comes up as a BMD and annoys me about giving him a job. I constantly have to tell him to go away. He gets his camera and takes an incriminating photo to attempt to frame me for murder where I then chase him and get him under FearRP, as well as an officer who stumbled into the situation, and proceed to destroy the evidence and knock them both out before disappearing. As seen in the video, Constrictor behaves in a way that I would classify as FailRP. When I ask him to take out his camera, he quickly takes more photographs of me and the officer.
Situation 6 - (Part 6/6) - This is the entire situation from the first interaction I had with Constrictor after a prolonged period of time, likely an hour if not more. He made multiple job switches in this period. Seeing me, he saw an opportunity to annoy me once again. This time he Metagamed to obtain who I was based on getting my name off my vehicle and property. He annoyed me once again about getting a job and I kept telling him to leave, where he then began a prolonged period of door knock spam and verbal harassment. He later left to hire a hitman for me apparently threatening to kill him in that situation, which according to the video can be shown to be incorrect and falsified, therefore resulting in a violation of Combat Rule 4.1d regarding insufficient reasons to hire a hitman. Nitrogue and Arach were both the hitmen who killed me but according to them they were told that he had proper reason because I made death threats.