May 2, 2016, 02:29 AM
May 2, 2016, 02:41 AM
/mug 10k
May 2, 2016, 03:48 AM
cider.command.add("takemoney", "a", 2, function(player, arguments)
local target = cider.player.get( arguments[1] )
local takeamount = cider.player.giveMoney(target, -arguments[2] )
if (target) then
cider.player.printMessageAll(player:Name().." took "..formatMoney(arguments[2]).." from "".");
cider.player.notify(player, "You took "..formatMoney(arguments[2]).." from player ""!", 0);
cider.player.notify(target, ""..player:Name().." removed "..formatMoney(arguments[2]).." from your wallet!", 0);
cider.player.giveMoney(target, takeamount);
end, "Admin Commands", "<player> <amount>", "Take money from a player.");
May 2, 2016, 03:49 AM
what gamemode
what gamemode
May 2, 2016, 11:17 AM
DButton to take the dosh
DButton to take the dosh
May 2, 2016, 11:19 AM
May 3, 2016, 07:42 PM
Assuming you're using ULX,,7871
Gotta sign up to ULX forum to get the DL link then install/execute the code to add command.
Gotta sign up to ULX forum to get the DL link then install/execute the code to add command.