Well. Here we are. I might sound like a crybaby but it's true. Most of the players on Limelight, only use /me to joke around.
(/me farts) which is very immature. I personally, use /me's in a whole different way. I try to use a /me when raising my gun, when pulling the trigger, when stabbing someone, when doing drugs, when eating food, when performing any basic thing, which you could easily express to people.
It feels as if Limelight has become more of a "cops and robbers" instead of roleplay. It is barerly roleplay anymore. Now, I understand. Some do actually use the good functions /me and /it. But, most don't. For example, I can not risk roleplaying to pick an item up, as someone WILL grab the item, before I finish my /me. I can not roleplay giving someone money, then using /dropmoney to put it near em, as someone will most probably grab it.
Is that roleplay? Is it really?
Example: I am an assassin, and i've been hired to murder a specific police officer, because they abused someone. I decide to stab him in the back. I go up to him when he is alone, behind him. I try to finish my /me of stabbing it into his back, then I stab once. I then wait for a reaction, usually hoping for him to do a /Me. He raises his shotgun and shoots me with no RP or such. He then says in his mic "Fucking cunt go kill yourself." and walks away. That is my experience with most cops or "criminals" nowadays.
Give your opinions please.
This should be moved to discussions.
Also, don't expect everyone to follow your RP.
The reason most do not do /me is because it takes a while sometimes to write it. Some are not quick writers so they do not do it. I can see where you are coming from but if you are going to go rob someone and do /me then you are wasting around 8 seconds to do a few /me's which would end up on either getting a gun on your head by a cop etc.
I used to do /me but now I see it as a waste of time in quick situations. When in CERB we used to salute a lot and with /me but that was when we were being briefed etc.
The servers only semi-serious and some of the things you have mentioned are found more in serious servers. It would take a large amount of time and effort to encourage this RP however it would be nice to see.
Also who would /me farts
Here is my opinion: /me is an excellent tool but you need to use it in moderation. Use it for actions that people can't already tell you are doing. If you are raising your gun people see you raising your gun, if you are pulling the trigger people see you shoot, if you are stabbing someone the person getting stabbed knows he was stabbed. In these situations I personally wouldn't use /me. I would use it for things that people can't see you do unless you imply it using /me, like nodding, taking out your wallet, putting your hands up, looking around nervously. This also applies to eating food, drinking, showing ID/licenses and a lot of other things, but if you overuse /me's it can turn off a less serious player who might have initially been willing to roleplay.
If you are giving someone money there is nothing preventing you from using /me takes out wallet and takes out a few notes, then /me gives money to <name>, then using /givemoney instead of /dropmoney.
The police assassination example is unfortunate because it's the player's right to turn around and shoot you in the face, and if they don't want to go along with your roleplay there isn't much you can do about it in that case.
All parties need to agree on the use of /me and /it in scenarios. I tried once way back when; used a shotgun to hit someone over the back of the head while he was proned out, to which I got the response "*John Doe was only slightly hurt by this.*" When I tried to explain that a man was hitting him in the back of the head with a shotgun, which turns into an expensive billy club when swung, I got an OOC response "oh so you really think you could hit me with the strength of a man(well IC and OOC yeah pretty sure, but I digress)". Long in short, since most people here don't want to lose due to an utter lack of understanding with things such as gunshot wounds, stab wounds and pretty much anything else you can think of, they resort to powergaming the situation or resorting to s2k(shoot to kill), versus actually performing text based roleplay and risk actually losing a fight over someone who knows what they're doing against some FPS skill. Really the only function /me and /it have is with people who are able and willing to reciprocate, and do so to a similar level of quality. It won't work with most of the genuine LL crowd.
/ me shows a "Performing" message above players head. This was introduced to avoid said issues.
(Apr 27, 2016, 07:35 PM)Burnett Wrote: [ -> ]/ me shows a "Performing" message above players head. This was introduced to avoid said issues.
Said issues, are still happening. It doesn't work. Way too many people who simply can't roleplay properly. They are on here, as if it's a DarkRP server. And if i gotta be honest, the way most cops "RP" is just like DarkRP. I mean, isn't it bad? The fact that LL is almost becoming DarkRP?
Kinda hard to put people roleplaying here or in any game at all , thats the way i think
I agree about the server becoming mostly a cops and robbers. Don't get me wrong all the updates are great but they're mostly about criminal RP or police RP.
(Apr 29, 2016, 07:14 PM)Rocket Wrote: [ -> ]I agree about the server becoming mostly a cops and robbers. Don't get me wrong all the updates are great but they're mostly about criminal RP or police RP.
That is because staff like to get ideas from the community and put them together to make a nice sexy update.
Devs may be smart with creating stuff but not all creative

The recent survey gave us a better insight into the desires of the current player-base and we will tailor our updates to enhance the game-play we offer.