Just wondering what happened to the transparency? We had one cash report in February and now we don't have any more for the past two months? Also would love to know what all the money is exactly going towards, like does the development fund actually go towards buying addons or what?
Likely they don't write up a cash sheet unless it's requested.
Developer payroll is probably the largest cost. These guys are pushing so many updates and they cba to do that for free unless it's something small. We shouldn't need to see what each Dev is getting paid but I guess you can request they post how much total that was. They also shouldn't be telling you what scripts they are buying, that'd ruin the surprise

This was bought up a few days ago in the staff forums. Rickets and Vauld were handling it and as Ricket's resigned and Vauld is busy, no one else realised it wouldn't get done.
We'll have all cash flow sheets out soon.
Developers have been working for free. It is only because now that we have a stable donation stream that developers can be rewarded for their hard work.
I don't mean telling us scripts for the future that are being bought, but I mean ones already implemented within that months cash flow sheet.
Anyway, question answered, requesting thread closure and move to archive.
wow really? devs are the real mvps
I'll work on this, been very busy. I'll try to get with Noble and get some of this stuff sorted, may take a week or two due to changing of confidential purchases and to compile stuff properly.