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Full Version: Ban request Alluzi
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Name of Player: Alluriz

SteamID: [font='Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif]STEAM_0:1:44660720[/font]

Server: rp_evocity_v33x
Time: Not sure, but arround 00:00

Summary: I paid him for glock ammo but he left the server, I already had two deals with him about p90 and gallil ammo he gave the items I paid for but when I asked for glock ammo and paid, he left the server. (he said before he had bad connection but I want my $500 back pls.)


Not best quality but you can see I paid him and he left the server right after.

Many thanks,

M4gic W1zard.
Thank you for taking the time to make this report.

As Alluzi timed out instead of disconnecting, I will not issue a suspension but instead issue a refund to you and remove the money from Alluzi's account.

I hope this is sufficient.

[L²] George