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Full Version: PR : [Zioremix]
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Name of Player: (Also make this your title. IE: Report on Venom) Zioremix.

SteamID: What is their SteamID?  STEAM_0:0:155781550

Server: Which server did it happen on? V33X

Time: What time did it happen? (In GMT) Around 21:50

Summary: Give us context and what rules they broke. He called up his two friends, which I never mentioned in radio were being detained, up into his office. He demanded they be uncuffed and proceeded to make a law that their 'group' cannot be arrested and they may open carry. They claimed to be his security but didn't go SS, instead decided to be civvies with a job title.  Rules broken: FailRP. Powergaming.\

Evidence: Put anything here that would support your claims like a video or pictures. Will upload screenshots of the leaderboard, law being put up and so on tomorrow. Very late for me atm. Need to go. Made this PR as the last thing.
I logged on as this was all going down, and can confirm that this president was FailRPing/Powergaming as seen below. He was making laws so that his friends could open carry guns, and could be his protection, however there was now SSA's on, so they should have gone as SSA.


I'm sure Corgi will add to this tomorrow, but as he said it is late here currently.
Player report reviewed and denied.

The accused player (STEAM_0:0:155781550 ) has not been found to violate any of our rules.

Closing notes:

The president is allowed to hire third-party contractors and grant them the power to carry firearms.

No further action will be taken.

[L²] George