Your Name: What is your name?
Ban ID: What is your Ban ID(this isn't your SteamID)?
Banned by: Who issued the ban? Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag.
[L²] Enzyme
Server: Which server did it happen on, V33X or Rockford?
Both lol
Ban Reason: What was the exact reason for the ban?
When broken down, that is:
Exploitation of a tool
Exploitation/Misuse of Props/Ents
Exploiting to gain money
When broken down further, that is:
Spawning a load of weed pots and seeds (500 per farm, sometimes more) using an exploit.
Why should you be unbanned?: Why do you think you deserve/should be unbanned?
What I did was obviously wrong, however I don't believe that what I did was harmful in any way to LL, and infact as
some of the staff team will now know, kinda worked for the better.
I'd like to think that I've helped LL since my ban, but, again, that information isn't nescessarily accessible to all of the Staff Team.
Perhaps Faustie/Burnett/Enzyme can vouch for that.
All in all, I believe I should be unbanned because I think that I deserve a second chance, and what I did was purely an experiment.
Yes, it was wrong to use LL as a place to experiment, however,
lots of good came from it.
Evidence: Put anything here that would support your claims like a video or pictures.
![[Image: HJOWI3g.jpg]](
^ The exploit in question.
(Apr 24, 2016, 10:58 PM)LivKX Wrote: [ -> ]Your Name: What is your name?
Ban ID: What is your Ban ID(this isn't your SteamID)?
Banned by: Who issued the ban? Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag.
[L²] Enzyme
Server: Which server did it happen on, V33X or Rockford?
Both lol
Ban Reason: What was the exact reason for the ban?
When broken down, that is:
Exploitation of a tool
Exploitation/Misuse of Props/Ents
Exploiting to gain money
When broken down further, that is:
Spawning a load of weed pots and seeds (500 per farm) using an exploit.
Why should you be unbanned?: Why do you think you deserve/should be unbanned?
What I did was obviously wrong, however I don't believe that what I did was harmful in any way to LL, and infact as some of the staff team will now know, kinda worked for the better.
I'd like to think that I've helped LL since my ban, but, again, that information isn't nescessarily accessible to all of the Staff Team.
Perhaps Faustie/Burnett/Enzyme can vouch for that.
All in all, I believe I should be unbanned because I think that I deserve a second chance, and what I did was purely an experiment.
Yes, it was wrong to use LL as a place to experiment, however, lots of good came from it.
Evidence: Put anything here that would support your claims like a video or pictures.
![[Image: HJOWI3g.jpg]](
^ The exploit in question.
Well, that was a pretty funny exploit I found. I was involved in this dank business with Liv.
It was a pretty dope weed farm we had. Liv's was 500 pots, and I had whole 1000 pots. If you estimate 4 weed per pot, then 4*1000*101 = 404k per 20 minute, 202k for Liv's.
I am not gonna write an UBR myself, but I can vouch for Liv as they have, from what I've heard, been very useful in exploit fixing on LL, and potentially cover any future security holes. Maybe you guys will find the few duplication exploits that I have.

Good evening Liv.
You say that you think you deserve a second chance which is fair enough, but I'd like to think that you've gotten a lot of chances before being caught here.
Before this ban was issued, I contacted you about exploiting and I made it clear that if you were to do ANYTHING similar then that would result in a perm.
You've told me the circumstance around your ban and why you did it, but if you wished to be a part of Limelight then you should have taken your last chance and not thrown it away. In my opinion, you should have been caught and punished a lot sooner instead of being given so many smacks on the wrists and I think that it's very early for you to ask for a reduction or an unban especially when you've received as many chances and warnings as you have.
My point here is that it's been a constant cat-and-mouse-game with you pushing the boundries so many times. I've lost count of how many times you've either been spoken to or have been a suspect of exploiting. You've told me that you've done quite a bit of exploiting on the server which you were never caught for and I fear that you're not someone who can stop trying to push further. You should have been banned a lot sooner, and you shouldn't have received as much leeway as you already have.
In my defence, you said that if I were to do more I would be permed. From that point, I did nothing more, you simply discovered more things I had done.
Technically, I didn't breach the warning you gave me.
You refer to many 'smacks on the wrist', how so?
Every other time time I was exploiting it was under authorised conditions and I reported them.
This was the first time that I didn't report an exploit and instead began to experiment, admittedly having some fun along the way.
Through the experiments, myself and Rayts discovered stuff which I would like to think Limelight directly benefited from.
I feel like there was always a negative stigma about myself when I first begin reporting exploits, like you were worried I was going to use them for bad. It was like being warned instead of thanked when I would report issues.
So, I just decided to get on with what we were doing.
The only reason I began explaining the events once I'd been banned was because I knew I couldn't be treated like I had done further wrong if I was already banned.
All I wanted this whole time was to help, it wasn't the best way of doing it but it sure worked well.
Take it how you will, I'd just like straight answers and replies now please.
I'd like to further add that after discussing with Enzyme over steam, I understand why my ban will likely remain.
Regardless of if I've helped or not, it is a matter of principal and at the end of the day no matter what the motive, I still exploited on your servers.
The only defence I have to this has been destroyed by the principal argument, therefore I have nothing else to back me up, other than asking for another chance.
I also believe there has been a miscommunication:
When Enzyme gave me a last chance and said don't do anything else, I believe I did nothing more wrong.
What happened was that Enzyme then went into the logs and saw the other things I had been doing, but these actions hadn't taken place after his warning to me (as far as I can remember).
I understand that I'm a liability, and I'm sorry for the issues I've caused.
Apologies about the delay. This case has been under a lot of discussion and I've reached an end result.
There's no doubt that what you did was bad and unacceptable. Your actions got yourself and several others into trouble, and you used the exploit for self-gain as you told to me after the ban was issued.
The developers have urged me to take into account some of your recent assistance. Since you've helped out Limelight after your ban, I want to offer a compromise.
I'll reduce your ban from a permanent ban to a year (starting when/if you agree) to a year if you agree to having your wallet and inventory wiped. The reason for this is because you used exploits for self-gain, which naturally is unacceptable.
To make it clear:
The ban will be reduced from permanent to one year if you agree to having your wallet and inventory wiped.
Do you agree? This is the only deal that I'm willing to offer given the unacceptable nature of your exploits, though were it not for your assistance and communication this offer wouldn't be on the table.
I'll need a yes or a no.
Sure, if I'm not dead by then

Ban will be reduced from permanent to one year, starting today.
Inventory and wallet will be wiped.