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£5 Donator Status - $260,000 in-game money. 
£10 Donator Status - $495,000 in-game money. 
£15 Donator Status - $745,000 in-game money.

Add me here:

Terms of Service:

-Upon contacting us you agree that no involved parties may refund the trade.
-If you are missing $50,000, you may go ahead with the transaction however you MUST hand over the last $50,000 after you have received your donator status.

Users who have used our service:
Zombie - £5 Donator Status
Overlewd - £5 Donator Status
Marsh - £5 Donator Status
ExorbitantCorgi - £5 Donator Status
xPrike - £15 Donator Status
Neostryker - £10 Donator Status
M4gic W1zardo- £5 Donator Status
lods of emone - £5 Donator Status
Cooli - £5 Donator Status
alan245 - £5 Donator Status
Mikepro67 - £15 Donator Status
Innovative - £5 Donator Status
Zephy - £5 Donator Status
BranX - £5 Donator Status
Icekiller_99 - £10 Donator Status
Ryan Faustin - £5 Donator Status
BranX - £5 Donator Status
peshoS - £10 Donator Status
Papi Donuts - £5 Donator Status
TheFakeTaco x2- £5 Donator Status
Fun Frog - £5 Donator Status
Pac - £10 Donator Status
Francysol3c - £5 Donator Status
Project - £5 Donator Status
Hungames -  £5 Donator Status
XShai123- £5 Donator Status
Tricky  £5 Donator Status
I'd like to buy a $15 one. Contact me here
£5 donation for me.
Add on steam (same name as forums + L2RP tag), or just pm in-game.
id like to buy a 5punds donation.
Ill contact you
(Apr 24, 2016, 03:48 PM)MrMarsh Wrote: [ -> ]id like to buy a 5punds donation.
Ill contact you
(Apr 24, 2016, 02:31 PM)Overlewd Wrote: [ -> ]£5 donation for me.
Add on steam (same name as forums + L2RP tag), or just pm in-game.
(Apr 24, 2016, 02:30 PM)Prike Wrote: [ -> ]I'd like to buy a $15 one. Contact me here

Add me please!
Overlewd completed
You still doing this bussnes?
(May 5, 2016, 12:30 PM)Neostryker Wrote: [ -> ]You still doing this bussnes?

I added you on steam
Posting on behalf of Monkey_D_Luffy

He would like a 5$ donation.

He said he does not have the money but he is willing to trade his Ferrari.
When are you coming online? I got the money
I want to buy the 5 pound donation please, contact me here:
I want to buy 10 pound donations please contact me here
Will respond after I get on in 1hr
I want to buy the 5 pound donation please, contact me here:
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