Now I am reading through all the responses and I have anwsered all but 1 question. When they killed me as a cop? in the car crash? I wrote down what happened before I died and then resumed from what happened before then so I had a reason to arrest them.
(Apr 23, 2016, 01:36 PM)MrKat Wrote: [ -> ]When you switch job you are not in a new life. IRL when you switch jobs you do not die and are born again.
v33x[12:06:18][L²:RP] Arach(STEAM_0:1:60491538)Killed: Rainbow Dash (STEAM_0:0:34971534) using cw_ar15
You died.
You didn't switch jobs. You died, as the log shows above.
Please do not lie.
(Apr 23, 2016, 01:44 PM)MrKat Wrote: [ -> ]Now I am reading through all the responses and I have anwsered all but 1 question. When they killed me as a cop? in the car crash? I wrote down what happened before I died and then resumed from what happened before then so I had a reason to arrest them.
So power gaming, and breaking NLR. As well as revenge killing from the other guys.
Revenge killing who? outside the city tunnel? that was because they just killed a anarchists so I was arresting them
(Apr 23, 2016, 01:54 PM)MrKat Wrote: [ -> ]Revenge killing who? outside the city tunnel? that was because they just killed a anarchists so I was arresting them
Listen dude, just read the original thread and understand that you did infact break the rules. You can't keep linking this case with other cases.
How is it power gaming? Officers write down all things irl.
The sistuation outside city tunnel is where nitrogue has killed me.
Hello all,
Quote 1 by MrKat,
Quote:With the last event: I came up first time from nexus street and died. 5 mins later I hear a shot. I go around from izzes palace and park my car and see armed men ontop of the hotel (The people who just killed you). I take the shot in the head and 1 dies (From here we see you just said you shot, and joined into the RP shootout that you had just died in, therefore NLR). I keep waiting there for nlr (Your aware that you're under NLR) and see another guy and kill him too. Then NLR is up and I run in. I try killing the last guy but I die. Then I wait outside nexus and other SWAT go in as SSA told us there are armed men. President told us we can go in as they killed all hostages. They go in I wait at the nexus. I see a hummer speeding out of the city I try to pull him over with my ar15 and he crashes into a ambulance nearly killing 2 pedestrians. He was wearing a mask and I take a shot at his car as he was endangering the civilians.
Now from what you've just said here (In the quote above), admits to you breaking NLR (Bold parts). I've added the red writing.
Second part,
From what I gathered from other parts of the player report, you put on a mask as SWAT to do something that was not your duty. Also breaking NLR in the process. As you said this;
Quote:Now I am reading through all the responses and I have anwsered all but 1 question. When they killed me as a cop? in the car crash? I wrote down what happened before I died and then resumed from what happened before then so I had a reason to arrest them.
[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]From what my logs show me, you didn't write any of this down, nor did you roleplay (/me or /note) any of this at all. I check all logs since you joined the server. Which then makes me believe that what Rockets screenshot said is true.[/font]
[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]
Let me just remind you, lying in the Courthouse is not acceptable! It will result in forum ban.
You got everything there brynn.
I did not return to the place I died at nexus street.
Is that you admitting to you breaking several rules, and lying in the courthouse?
(Apr 23, 2016, 02:31 PM)MrKat Wrote: [ -> ]I did not return to the place I died at nexus street.
But you still returned to the shootout though, just on the other street.
In my mind I remember doing something like /me new log: Officer hostaged and tortured... I guess I didnt do that. I dont know how I lied in the courthouse though.
(Apr 23, 2016, 02:33 PM)MrKat Wrote: [ -> ]In my mind I remember doing something like /me new log: Officer hostaged and tortured... I guess I didnt do that. I dont know how I lied in the courthouse though.
You did no command logging things. I checked everything you wrote since you joined the server. Thats how you lied by saying you had, and with your past history of lying to administrators. I wouldn't be surprised.
Well In my mind I did it. I did not lie in any way here as I said I do not remember 100 %