Apr 22, 2016, 10:58 PM
My problem
I bought a masked suit today for 30k and a modern axe... pretty pricey
I was in a raid with fellow anarchists all of us wearing masked suits.. we had to quickly take them off to make ourselves look legit... I didn't know how to take off a suit.... I panicked because we had to quickly change and I must've pressed Destroy.. Because after taht it had been removed from my inventory....
I mean comon... Obviously it was accidental, who would even purposely destroy an expensive suit like that.
My proof
My proof? the chat log... i said "how do i remove it" etc etc on mic, but i have the chat log showing them saying we need to remove our suits, then me doing an
Here is the main chat log:
Here are the main parts:
Fellow Anarchist taking off his masked clothing -
Quote:Line 373: (Masked) *** ###19### takes off the outfit and changes into less suspicious clothing.Same anarchist telling us to remove our clothing-
Quote:Line 377 Harry F. Callahan: mask and gun off
Line 378 Harry F. Callahan: We walking out
Fellow anarchist removing his clothing-
Quote:Line 383 (Masked) *** ###147### takes off the outfit and changes into less suspicious clothing
Making an admin call-
Quote:Line 395 To admins: i don't know how to take my masked outfit off, and i just detroyed it by accident
Quote:Line 429 To admins: I spent 35k and a modern axe on that outift pls help
Finally, a Screenshot that i don't have my suit:
![[Image: 39e415225fd2222ed7be09797178c96a.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/39e415225fd2222ed7be09797178c96a.png)