So about a 3 hours ago I donated £10 and I have been waiting and still not got my status can someone help me with this
If it persists for longer, get in contact with a super-admin/Burnett/Temar, and they should be able to manually set it for you.
Hope that helped

A Bug in the gamemode was preventing people from getting there donator status
a Fix has been uploaded and you will get your status after a restart / crash
So after a server restart okay thanks
When will there be a sever restart can I ask for the donater problems ?
The server will most likely reset probally during the day tommorow, It's usually reset or crashed during a two day period usually.
The server isn't on a restart schedule, just wait until it crashes next.
The game ccrashed 10 minutes ago or so and I still do not have it this is a complete joke honestly
Donator given automatically.