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Full Version: Ban on ".." and "Bengt Betong"
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Name of Players ".." and "bengt betong"
SteamID: What is their SteamID? 
Player - ".." STEAM_0:1:110494463
Player - "bengt betong" STEAM_0:0:111336127

Server: V3
Time: What time did it happen? 13:50
Summary: Hmm firstly theres a dom and an anachist working together, then the RDM that followed. Also a team kill.
I drove into them as they pulled on the wrong side in front of me, He then got out and pointed a gun at me. I drove back
seeing its an anachist to ask him why he is pointing a gun at me, in character ofc. Then they just got out and BOTH shot me.


Video Evidence
Report reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused players were found violating rules regarding RDM and FailRP.
Suspensions will be applied for one day. Blacklists from weapon access will be applied for four hours.

[L²] Nacreas
Server Administrative Team