Apr 10, 2016, 03:01 PM
Name of Players ".." and "bengt betong"
SteamID: What is their SteamID?
Player - ".." STEAM_0:1:110494463
Player - "bengt betong" STEAM_0:0:111336127
Server: V3
Time: What time did it happen? 13:50
Summary: Hmm firstly theres a dom and an anachist working together, then the RDM that followed. Also a team kill.
I drove into them as they pulled on the wrong side in front of me, He then got out and pointed a gun at me. I drove back
seeing its an anachist to ask him why he is pointing a gun at me, in character ofc. Then they just got out and BOTH shot me.
Video Evidence
Name of Players ".." and "bengt betong"
SteamID: What is their SteamID?
Player - ".." STEAM_0:1:110494463
Player - "bengt betong" STEAM_0:0:111336127
Server: V3
Time: What time did it happen? 13:50
Summary: Hmm firstly theres a dom and an anachist working together, then the RDM that followed. Also a team kill.
I drove into them as they pulled on the wrong side in front of me, He then got out and pointed a gun at me. I drove back
seeing its an anachist to ask him why he is pointing a gun at me, in character ofc. Then they just got out and BOTH shot me.
Video Evidence