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Full Version: Player report on TOS
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Name of Player:  TOS

SteamID: [font='Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif][b]STEAM_0:0:30755662 [/b][/font]

Server: v33x
Time: It was evening about > 6pm (In GMT)

Summary: This gentleman prop blocked his balcony with bookshelf.  No idea about his motives but clearly prop blocking.

#1 On this he is placing that shelf
#2 In this shelf is on its position
I found this player report to be lack of background information so:

I was going to check out, if apartments top floor would be avaiable for purchase. Then once I got there the door was open but bought. I walked in and saw TOS there and said "Hi" to him and then he spawned that bookshelf and placed it to next to balcony door. So that he would not need to talk to me. I would wanted to ask if the apartment was open for sale, since it was otherwise totally empty.

PTE blacklist issued for propblock.