Can confirm that him and TheGamerGuyGBR where doing this.
Further screenshots for other incidents can be provided if needed.
If you have any more evidence then please post it.
Can only provide more images of him minging with props and provide the name of the prop he used to do the prop kill.
Prop used:
I know the name is not shown however after providing Vauld with a time and a prop used he was able to tell me the steamID and name of the person who done it.
Reviewed and approved.
After looking further into the logs I saw alot more :
[quote]v33x [22:18:00] Gidz (STEAM_0:1:54231546) Tried to Prop kill: TheGamerGuyGBR (STEAM_0:1:72475001) using models/mechanics/gears2/gear_60t1.mdl
v33x [22:26:30] Gidz (STEAM_0:1:54231546) Tried to Prop kill: [L²:RP] Atlantis (STEAM_0:0:139686933) using models/props_phx/gears/bevel12.mdl
v33x [22:27:41] Gidz (STEAM_0:1:54231546) Prop killed: [L²:RP] Atlantis (STEAM_0:0:139686933) using models/props_c17/furniturewashingmachine001a.mdl
v33x [22:47:53] Gidz (STEAM_0:1:54231546) Tried to Prop kill: TheGamerGuyGBR (STEAM_0:1:72475001) using models/mechanics/roboticslarge/claw_hub_8.mdl
v33x [23:13:22] Gidz (STEAM_0:1:54231546) Prop killed: TheGamerGuyGBR (STEAM_0:1:72475001) using models/props_interiors/bathtub01a.mdl
v33x [23:22:26] Gidz (STEAM_0:1:54231546) Prop killed: [L²:RP] Atlantis (STEAM_0:0:139686933) using models/mechanics/gears2/gear_36t1.mdl
v33x [23:42:24] Gidz (STEAM_0:1:54231546) Tried to Prop kill: Gidz (STEAM_0:1:54231546) using models/mechanics/roboticslarge/claw_hub_8.mdl
Now, from that large amount of prop killing I can see Gidz (STEAM_0:1:54231546) does not want to follow our rules we provide so I will issue a ban.