Apr 5, 2016, 12:31 AM
Your Name: Sgt.Donut
Issued by: [L²] BlackDog
Blacklist ID: 65542
Server: V33x
Why should you be unblacklisted?: I understand I was Blacklisted, but I don't want it removed, I was in the wrong. I broke NLR. Not CDM someone. I don't mind a blacklist. But I want the reason to be changed to NLR.
Evidence: None
Issued by: [L²] BlackDog
Blacklist ID: 65542
Server: V33x
Why should you be unblacklisted?: I understand I was Blacklisted, but I don't want it removed, I was in the wrong. I broke NLR. Not CDM someone. I don't mind a blacklist. But I want the reason to be changed to NLR.
Evidence: None