Whenever you get a molotov out, when you holster it/get cuffed/drop it, it wont get back to your inventory, it simply vanishes.
Logs provided by Cameron:
v33x[12:45:23][L²:RP] Project (STEAM_0:0:49197760)used command: inventory cityrp_weapon_molotov use 1
v33x[12:45:36][L²:RP] Project (STEAM_0:0:49197760)used command: holster
After holstering it:
Before equipping it:
![[Image: DD46FE37667F1F6956AA23E070BDF6AD18AB45FE]](https://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/279595144913509805/DD46FE37667F1F6956AA23E070BDF6AD18AB45FE/)
Due to this I lost 5 Molotov today alone. Is this supposed to happen or is it a bug?
Will look into this after uni.
Always been this way, I thought they meant to do it.
Its pretty realistic, once you light a molotov its pretty obvious you cant put it back in your backpack, and dont go all SEMI SERIOUS on me because its not even close to serious if you patch it.
You do realize, a Molotov is lit seconds before thrown right? So yeah unless you have to light it, it should go back to your inventory.
Hmmm. This could be easily fixed but I ain't sure how that's supposed to be.
My view on this:
Once lit, it shouldn't go back to your inventory.
Other views? Suggestions? Discuss.
As I said earlier, you would not lit it until you throw it.
If you equip a molotov, it shouldn't be lit at that very moment as you could be carrying it for a long time before you actually throw it. If it is supposed to be lit from the moment you bring it out then I believe there should be a set amount of time that you can have a Molotov equipped before it explodes by itself.
Like Project said, it ain't lit until it's going to be thrown. So I think you should still be able to holster it.
(Apr 7, 2016, 08:23 PM)Burnett Wrote: [ -> ]Hmmm. This could be easily fixed but I ain't sure how that's supposed to be.
My view on this:
Once lit, it shouldn't go back to your inventory.
Other views? Suggestions? Discuss.
For a Suggestion
With the Molotov you could have to right-click and wait about 1-2 seconds for the lighting impression then it would be unholsterable as it as been lit and then you would be able to left-click to throw it.
And maybe if you left click when it's not lit, it will smash on a prop maybe leaving a trail of alcohol and we could add a new item called a Lighter which can light up Alcohol trails.
Updated my suggestion on it.
Fixed holster part which is mainly what was needed