Now I don't know what goes through your head when you see those flashing red and blues on, but for fucks sakes. If I have my sirens on and am responding to a police call, don't jump to conclusions, and think that you're the one being pulled over. There have been to many times where I need to get past someone to respond to a situation only to be literally cock blocked by someone who doesn't understand that when those lights are one, your ass is supposed to be pulled over to the right hand side of the road. Someones life could be in danger, or I could be pulling you over for a simple traffic citation, that doesn't mean you have to instantly start driving like a full on mental like your the fucking Payday heist crew escaping from a bank heist.
Serious discussion though, why does no one in this community fucking pull over for emergency vehicles. I never see it, its aggravating when I see it happen to me, and your god damned right if i'm going to go deal with a situation, then come back and pull you over and give you a citation because your Anarchist, or Corleone, or a Mugger, or whatever job you set yourself to be a criminal. I DON'T METAGAME BRO. I DON'T CAR IF YOUR A CAR THIEF, JUST PULL OVER LIKE A NORMAL PERSON WHILE I DRIVE PAST, DAMN SON.
I agree completely. It gets really annoying when I get a distress call saying "ALL UNITS TO MY LOCATION, ACTIVE HEAVY GUNMEN", so I put on my lights n siren and pedal to the medal it, only to have my charger get cock blocked and maybe even blown up by all the people either slamming on their brakes in the middle of the road, or swerving to get in front of me.
Honestly, every time I pull someone over or have pulled someone over, the Officer pulls behind the vehicle being pulled over with his lights on, and if that doesn't get their attention, gives the siren a few chirps.
If ya hear the sirens coming up on ya and the driver is cycling through the sirens and hitting the horn, MOVE THE FUCK OVER!
Well, at least this isn't as bad as when they pull over and immediately take out their assault rifles.
(Apr 4, 2016, 02:48 AM)Overlewd Wrote: [ -> ]Well, at least this isn't as bad as when they pull over and immediately take out their assault rifles.
or just cap you, and then steal your car because their job was "Carjacker/cop murderer"
(Apr 4, 2016, 02:48 AM)Overlewd Wrote: [ -> ]Well, at least this isn't as bad as when they pull over and immediately take out their assault rifles.
*cough* FUMUKU *cough* Ares *cough* Merryweather *cough* Aeris *cough*
That almost never happens, what are you talking about?
I agree, as Fire/Rescue it is very annoying when someone sees your lights from down the street, so they walk into the middle of the road and wave at you, punching the front of your vehicle while you lights and sirens are blaring. I am trying to save lives here, and you are in my way making an ass of yourself.
And when there is a big shootout and I setup a roadblock at the tunnel. It is for your own safety. The Industrial area is very dangerous. Don't get out of your vehicle, kick the barrels out of the way and then drive into the tunnel anyway. I've never seen someone do that in real life. You act like I'm the biggest tool in the world, when all I'm doing it trying to keep you from getting killed or arrested.
Ah, the life of a government employee in EvoCity is great isn't it? :)
Nothing that bonds people together better than a common enemy.
(Apr 4, 2016, 03:01 AM)Overlewd Wrote: [ -> ]Nothing that bonds people together better than a common enemy.
You said it.
(Apr 4, 2016, 02:50 AM)Stomm Wrote: [ -> ] (Apr 4, 2016, 02:48 AM)Overlewd Wrote: [ -> ]Well, at least this isn't as bad as when they pull over and immediately take out their assault rifles.
*cough* FUMUKU *cough* Ares *cough* Merryweather *cough* Aeris *cough*
That almost never happens, what are you talking about?
Whatever you're on about with FUMUKU, doesn't happen chief.
OT: The most frustrating thing is when I'm responding to an officer in distress running code 3, and some dickhole in a charger or Lamborghini who just happens to be on the road, instead of PULLING OVER WHICH IS THE EASIEST DAMN THING IN THE WORLD TO DO, starts a street race with me which either ends in their car colliding with part of the map, or a shootout where the suspects lose thousands of dollars in gear, firearms and lengthy amounts of time if they're resuscitated and sent to prison for what could've been a simple ticket for a traffic misdemeanor, or nothing at all. Almost like the meaning of flashing red and blue lights behind someone has almost no meaning. Either that or they treat this like they're the ultimate street-racing cop killer on a game of GTA, and the sound of a siren behind them is just white noise at this point.
End result, I get pissed off and tack on a maximum sentence for evasion, since everyone who has a drivers license (or anyone with half of a brain) should know better than to dick around with responding emergency vehicles.
...Am I the only person who does actually pull over then?
But on a serious note, this is something I personally hate. I don't want to dictate other people's RP, but if you join an RP server you should expect to have
some element of realism. Yeah, being pulled over sucks, but 9/10 times you'll be let off with an officer's warning - the 10th time sticking a watermelon up your shirt and saying you're in labour works a charm.
I swear, I should hand out Government REP for citizens who abide by the law... maybe that'll inspire them to not go full-Rambo.
I usually pull over, I dont see the point having a 10 minutes chase that will end up with me either dead or in jail, most of the time the cop let you off with a warning anyways.