Apr 3, 2016, 08:10 PM
Name of Player: NostrilFaceSwed
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:128324890
Server: v33x
Time: 11:00 AM Cali Time
Summary: Cop attempted RDM and FailRP. Cops wouldn't push you away from a barrier that is meant to stop you from crossing. Prop was also frozen in place in the middle of road. Props are supposed to be unfrozen when in the middle of road
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:128324890
Server: v33x
Time: 11:00 AM Cali Time
Summary: Cop attempted RDM and FailRP. Cops wouldn't push you away from a barrier that is meant to stop you from crossing. Prop was also frozen in place in the middle of road. Props are supposed to be unfrozen when in the middle of road