I'm going to make this short and simple, upgrade Soviet to administrator. He deserves it hes cool, nice, and understanding.
Soviet has been a Moderator for around four months. While he may be great at what he does, it generally takes a bit longer for Moderators to "prove" themselves, and to be promoted. It's really up to the Super Administration team to decide when somebody get's promoted.
Wouldn't recommend creating a thread about it, kinda pointless and awkward.
I feel I still have details to fix about myself before becoming an Administrator. Although this gesture is kind, it brings me unwanted attention on a topic that isn't to be chosen by the players, but by my superiors.
(Apr 3, 2016, 09:26 AM)Safira Wrote: [ -> ]No sovietpoos sucks
Dear Community members!
We are proud to announce that Soviet will be joining our 'Banned' Staff team! Congratulations on your Banned Status Soviety! You will now be permenantly banned from our services.
Best Regards
Total Badass *aviators on*
It's not up to us peasants.
Decisions like this are generally up to the server staff.
He has done horrible things to others....
Call me a bitch

He touched me in the same place my dad did..
(Apr 3, 2016, 11:58 AM)Chocolate Labrador Wrote: [ -> ]Literally, the shit posting from arselickers is real.
Apparently every post is shitpost according to you

I'm sure he'll be administrator soon enough.
We can't let anyone beat my Moderator streak now, can we?
(Apr 3, 2016, 05:22 PM)George Wrote: [ -> ]I'm sure he'll be administrator soon enough.
We can't let anyone beat my Moderator streak now, can we?
Can we promote you to Mod?