First of all... this is no joke Post...
You can belive me or not.. i dont care...
Well .. i was at my grandma's home, because my uncle had bday..
When we went outside to the car we heared a scream (around 22:57)... a humanish scream but it was like 1 second long and repeated itself with 2-4 seconds.. it sounded like somebody got instantly 100 tons on his feet...
I only really noticed that because the dog began to bark.. and i saw once something that the dog bark when they smell/hear something.. yes the house is at a forrest.. but still.. i never heared a animal screaming like.. like this... I dont got any sound files because the scream was too far away to record it with my handy microphone...
So .. i have no idea why i am sharing this.. but maybe some of you had a similar.. similar... um... thingy...
Maybe your grandma farts at night
Honestly, probably foxes mating.
They are seriously loud and sound like humans screaming.
There's quite a few animals that can sound like a human scream.
You've got to remember that your mind will jump to conclusions
dont panic but someone was murdered and you might be next
I once heard something fall in my room.
Then I kept hearing these weird noises, like pages being turned (you know that noise paper makes?). I kept hearing these and, it being 2ish am, I started fantasising and getting seriously paranoid.
I would hear the noise from the foot of my bed, where I had two bags full of various crap, paper included. So I kept peering into it, but each time I was searching for the noise, it wouldn't happen.
Probably my imagination, but then I could swear I heard feet. You know the slight 'padding' noise bare feet make on wood floors? That noise. Right next to my bed. There was nobody there, so I thought maybe someone is upstairs on my mezzanine floor, hiding??? But yeah, no.
And still, these damn fluttery paper noises.
Eventually I got so creeped I woke up my brother and told him to deal with it because I couldn't sleep.
Gets his torch, and I was right - it was coming from those bags at the foot of my bed.
Except it wasn't a ghost, or a psychopath. It wasn't even a mouse.
Some stupid fucking cockroach had made its merry way into my room via the aircon, managed to get itself on its back and was fluttering its wings (yes, those bitches fly over here) in an attempt to be free.
It being 2ish am and with neither of us wishing to go downstairs (Me because downstairs = lizards and more cockroaches, him because he's a lazy ass) we dealt with it in the only way we knew how: shit ton of hairspray followed by several beatings with a shoe.
On the subject of shit coming out of the aircon: one time, I turned on my aircon, and there was this 'BRRRRTFUTFUTFUT' noise. Out comes this weird white thing which I thought was just a strand of paper or something. Nope. It's a lizard tail which is still squirming. Oh, the joys of the tropics.
TL:DR flying cockroach.
R.I.P Lizard and Cockroach.
Yea sometimes when I lay in bed after preaching to Shrek some big green ogre creeps in and fucks me.
(Apr 4, 2016, 11:37 AM)reefaz Wrote: [ -> ]Yea sometimes when I lay in bed after preaching to Shrek some big green ogre creeps in and fucks me.
(Apr 4, 2016, 11:37 AM)reefaz Wrote: [ -> ]Yea sometimes when I lay in bed after preaching to Shrek some big green ogre creeps in and fucks me.
Not that im interested in
ANY way, but what do you say to Shrek when you preach to him?
Few days ago me an my roommate were chilling and watching TV, then the dog got the "demon stare"(when she stares at nothing) then barked loud asf, then the TV started acting out and the dog just went crazy. Was spooky

One day I wake up in night and hear this
I was sp00kt
TL;DR sp00kt
(Apr 5, 2016, 11:29 AM)Razz Wrote: [ -> ] (Apr 4, 2016, 11:37 AM)reefaz Wrote: [ -> ]Yea sometimes when I lay in bed after preaching to Shrek some big green ogre creeps in and fucks me.
Not that im interested in ANY way, but what do you say to Shrek when you preach to him?
That my rektum is ready for his big ogre pencil
Has anyone seen Enzyme recently? I don't normally complain about not seeing Enzyme but after seeing this thread I've become slightly concerned.
god dont know what to think of this threat... we got someone hearing noises, someone praying to shreck.. im just gonna back away slowly.. **runs**