Limelight cannot do anything about what goes on outside their forums or server. Sorry buddy.
(Apr 1, 2016, 04:36 AM)MrKat Wrote: [ -> ]Limelight cannot do anything about what goes on outside their forums or server. Sorry buddy.
I mean yeah, they can't physically stop you from commenting on my profile, but they can punish you on their services for harassing me on Steam.
Im not harrasing you on their services? They dont own steam?
(Apr 1, 2016, 04:40 AM)MrKat Wrote: [ -> ]Im not harrasing you on their services? They dont own steam?
Edited for clarity
also thanks for admitting you are harassing me lol
(Apr 1, 2016, 04:44 AM)MrKat Wrote: [ -> ]They wont really do anything about it? I was harrased by some nobs on steam and I reported it here and they did nothing? check these out:
In both of those links Enzyme mentions they step in if there is enough evidence.
I can't say if there is or isn't enough evidence here as I am not a staff member, but you have already admitted to harassing me.
Also, it looks like they harassed you for other reasons whereas you harassed me because I posted evidence on a warning appeal.
Again you could be faking it.
(Apr 1, 2016, 04:50 AM)MrKat Wrote: [ -> ]Again you could be faking it.
Ah, back to the lying! Good thing I knew you would delete your comment and I posted the archive links!
They link back to your profile bud. and are independent services and do not lie
What ever, Blackdog is watching this thread. Let him decide. Again, those other people were not punished.
(Apr 1, 2016, 04:53 AM)MrKat Wrote: [ -> ]What ever, Blackdog is watching this thread. Let him decide. Again, those other people were not punished.
Yes, but obviously you have admitted to wrongdoing and are afraid of punishment because you deleted your comment.
As I said in a previous post: I'm afraid that this disrespect was not done on our servers nor our forum. We can't suspend people who post on Steam profile. We do step in for special occasions if harassment is a thing
What I'm seeing here is clear and blatant harassment where you're clearly targeting Goigle. Your attitude is not something that we wish to have around here, and this is a situation where we can step in.
As you said, we do not own Steam but we do own Limelight and we are in a position to punish members who miss-treat other members.
Your attitude is not something that I want to see from community-members.
A high forum warning has been issued to MrKat for harassment.
User Goigle has been issued a forum warning for posting on a warning-removal request while not being involved.
If either one of you try to provoke the other party then that will have consequences.
It's time to end this hostility between you guys, or we'll do it our way.