Mar 25, 2016, 07:39 AM
Server [US/EU]: EU
Map: rp_evocity_v33x
Description: I've been gettingĀ severe framerate drops recently when I'm driving police vehicles. What appears to be happening is that the photon menu is opening and closing rapidly, causing the drop in framerate and making my vehicle nearly impossible to operate. I'm not sure if this is actually a bug or not but I thought it'd be worthwhile mentioning.
Bug is [In-Game/On Forums/Other]: In-Game
Since when have you experienced the bug? Today, approx. 0530 GMT
Additional Information: Tested it on other police vehicles, same issue. Happens both in motion and stationary.
![[Image: 1BDBD8DD21B5BCE82EC27DAB0363B916E68F42F4]](
![[Image: 9F70C239E4CEB7B72916B4EB2E9D7DB97ED0328C]](
Map: rp_evocity_v33x
Description: I've been gettingĀ severe framerate drops recently when I'm driving police vehicles. What appears to be happening is that the photon menu is opening and closing rapidly, causing the drop in framerate and making my vehicle nearly impossible to operate. I'm not sure if this is actually a bug or not but I thought it'd be worthwhile mentioning.
Bug is [In-Game/On Forums/Other]: In-Game
Since when have you experienced the bug? Today, approx. 0530 GMT
Additional Information: Tested it on other police vehicles, same issue. Happens both in motion and stationary.