Mar 23, 2016, 06:20 PM
Your Name: G2 Kinguin ScreaM SaiyajiN
Ban ID: [font='Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif]2382[/font]
Banned by: Doodleh
Server: V33X
Ban Reason: DC to avoid arrest
Why should you be unbanned?: Well basically I haven't played in 2 days cause I have been playing Payday 2 with Glofendil, Daley and Unknown. I thought they were playing LL so i joined the server. but than they said they were playing Payday 2 so I disconnected. But I didn't even spawn on the server yet so I couldn't DC to avoid arrest cause I didn't spawn yet
Evidence: Well since I joined and Left in like 5 secs I don't have any pictures. My friend (Glofendil) is the one who told me on TS that i got banned
Ban ID: [font='Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif]2382[/font]
Banned by: Doodleh
Server: V33X
Ban Reason: DC to avoid arrest
Why should you be unbanned?: Well basically I haven't played in 2 days cause I have been playing Payday 2 with Glofendil, Daley and Unknown. I thought they were playing LL so i joined the server. but than they said they were playing Payday 2 so I disconnected. But I didn't even spawn on the server yet so I couldn't DC to avoid arrest cause I didn't spawn yet
Evidence: Well since I joined and Left in like 5 secs I don't have any pictures. My friend (Glofendil) is the one who told me on TS that i got banned