Mar 21, 2016, 04:05 AM
Government - Passes
It's me again.
Here to make your Developer lives busy!
On with the show!
With this, I would like to report about the Government passes that the Nexus Desk Secretaries can give to players.
The command itself seems to be bugged. This was found between an interation between myself and [b]Obay[/b].
From what I tested afterwards, if you decide to use the command.
It looks like you do actually execute the command with no errors.
The actual outcome seems to not do anything at all!
The command being:
/pass <player> <give|take|takeall> <blue|green>
/pass Sours give blue
This was tested on RP_Evocity_v33x.
This is an In-game Bug.
Unknown Starting point of bug.
Only noticed today. (20/03/2016)
It's me again.
Here to make your Developer lives busy!
On with the show!
With this, I would like to report about the Government passes that the Nexus Desk Secretaries can give to players.
The command itself seems to be bugged. This was found between an interation between myself and [b]Obay[/b].
From what I tested afterwards, if you decide to use the command.
It looks like you do actually execute the command with no errors.
The actual outcome seems to not do anything at all!
The command being:
/pass <player> <give|take|takeall> <blue|green>
/pass Sours give blue
This was tested on RP_Evocity_v33x.
This is an In-game Bug.
Unknown Starting point of bug.
Only noticed today. (20/03/2016)