Mar 19, 2016, 05:28 PM
Your Name:[/b] What is your name? Daniel brown
Ban ID: What is your Ban ID(this isn't your SteamID)? 2110
Banned by: Who issued the ban? Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag. [font=Courier New]L²George
Server: Which server did it happen on, V33X or Rockford? v33x
Ban Reason: What was the exact reason for the ban? accused of hacking
Why should you be unbanned?: Why do you think you deserve/should be unbanned? I have been accused of hax when I haven't because I was not playing when i got banned this happened 2 weeks ago and i find it unfare that i have been banned for hax when it is false
Evidence: Put anything here that would support your claims like a video or pictures. i have no evidence of this but i was offline when this happened and i am not the only one that has been banned and falsely accused of hacking on the server [/font]
Ban ID: What is your Ban ID(this isn't your SteamID)? 2110
Banned by: Who issued the ban? Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag. [font=Courier New]L²George
Server: Which server did it happen on, V33X or Rockford? v33x
Ban Reason: What was the exact reason for the ban? accused of hacking
Why should you be unbanned?: Why do you think you deserve/should be unbanned? I have been accused of hax when I haven't because I was not playing when i got banned this happened 2 weeks ago and i find it unfare that i have been banned for hax when it is false
Evidence: Put anything here that would support your claims like a video or pictures. i have no evidence of this but i was offline when this happened and i am not the only one that has been banned and falsely accused of hacking on the server [/font]