Hi everyone.
So I've heard from a few players some negative things about my street cred, however I've also heard some positive things as well. I'd like to take this opportunity to have an open discussion about me. What do you think about me as an admin, a person, an RP'er, what have you heard, what has changed over the last few years. Am I different from on the old city RP, am I lazier, and I more aggressive, am I happier?
Feel free to discuss all of those things or just your general opinion about me below. I'll use this as constructive criticism, if you have nothing negative to say (yay) that's great too. And I'm going to try and be as open minded as possible, I won't hate you if you post criticism, just don't be rude about it and I won't be rude in return (respectful please).
I feel in my experience you are one sided. When there is an argument, I usually see you, even when possibly or even obviously wrong, you continue to fight back. I also see that when your RP Events are up, you take center stage and lure all players in in the hopes of REP's in the middle of other smaller RP's.
To be completely honest, I think you dominate an RP to the point where you make it revolve around you, even if you hold a minor part in that RP, and you bend the rules in a negative way. You will often disregard fail RP or fear RP in order to accomplish a scheme to benefit yourself, and/or speed up a process that other players have to be in.
Just my two cents.
You know how I feel about you, but to reiterate. I think the way you force yourself into others RP's is gross, especially when you put yourself above them within the RP. I feel that when you do a Large RP, and poorly plan it, people just RP to get REP which is bad. And I think its absolutely downright disgusting when you borderline admin abuse to force an RP situation.
I appreciate you creating this discussion, Vauld. It shows you are willing to change on the things you may be doing wrong.
Personally, the experiences I've had with you haven't been the best. It seems like you bend the rules your way in RP scenarios, or even just ignore some rules entirely. You also seem to always try and bend RP to your advantage, and never take No for an answer. FailRP is also a common issue with you **from what I've seen**.
For example, in the FUMUKU Prison Camp, Forest Gump. You had guns on you at all times, and yet decided to instead of chopping wood like all other people would, you starved yourself to get out of the RP situation. That wasn't cool.
Just my comment on this.
I haven't had much experience with you to be honest. I was involved with a tornado RP which I thought really added something to a time when the server was fairly dead. It helped and was creative.
From what I've heard is that you can sometimes be overbearing. My experience was with you being the tornado which is really a good definition of overbearing, so it worked in that case.
Perhaps if you stepped back and setup RP events that others can weave into their own story. Like a downed helicopter with secret barrels and some bodies. Let it be discovered and see what people do and go with how they take it.
You are a good person and I'm glad to see that you are looking at ways to get even better.
Well to respond to the comments so far, the intention of my RP is never to make players feel infringed upon nor to dominate anything. I understand that my RP's have gotten more spontaneous over the years which may have resulted in less put-together or detailed seeming RP's. I no longer host RP events on the main server, so that's not a concern anymore. Personally I feel it has taken a way quite a bit of finesse the server needs, but oh well. As for the whole twisting RP's to my favor, I can see how you would feel that way, but honestly most of the time I'm just trying to make a fun RP. I think a lot of the time people think my intentions are far worse than they actually are. If you ever feel like I'm over-stepping please just let me know and I'm not the type of person who will get mad, if you come to me nicely and say "Yo can you not do that, I feel you're over-stepping a bit" I'll understand.
Vauld is re
ally cool in my opinion. The things with dominant in RP i haven't really had any experiences with

I appreciate events on the main server, but only when no actual roleplay is going on. I agree with you there that it adds a spark to the server, and once an event has occurred, y'all notice that people tend to RP a bit more.
But in response to the original post, got no problem with you. Only thing i'd query is your general activity. Maybe it's a problem with time-zones, but for the most part I never see you online. And when you do come online, it'll be for a few days, then you'll seemingly stop again. Not sure if that is truly the case, but it just seems generally apparent.
I had an absolute laugh with you the other day in that RP and previous to that back at LF. No issues here man

Only had good chats and experiences with you.
However it would be nice to see more of you. If people have problems with your RP/events, don't go to extremes and stop all together, just tweak and tinker it around their issues, for example playing the situation like everyone else would and if needed allow someone else to take the lead.
I like bombs so we good fam
I liked the part where you nuked everyone
My experience is, if you don't like the way something is, you go out of your way to try and spoil it for everyone. The permitted IC racism ruling for example. When you didn't like that you took it to the extreme, KKK signs, KKK president, Naziism and insulting everyone you could with racist remarks in voice chat. Really a childish way to try and make things go as you want them.
I think these are yours.
![[Image: almost-rose-tinted.jpg]](https://www.straightpathtorecovery.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/almost-rose-tinted.jpg)