Welcome to Limelight, look forward to seeing you on the servers :3
Welcome! hope to see you on the servers
Welcome to LimeLight!
P.S. Don't worry about being scared, everyone here gives me the sp00kes too.
Welcome to LL! We all procrastinate, don't worry.
See you server side.
Welcome to L2

I hope i will see you around !
inb4 15 pages of replies because girl.
OT: Welcome to the community
(Mar 10, 2016, 02:13 AM)Theo Wrote: [ -> ]Grill?
I am a tiny grill
(Mar 9, 2016, 01:15 PM)Safira Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome to L2 Sir Ees.
I'm Saf-Eee-Rah.
Not Saf-eye-rah.
Not Safari.
Not Shakira.
And I'm the coolest one out of everyone here, so my welcoming post means a great deal.

Also don't be scared to post! Enzyme's (That's the big mean and aboosive SA) only scary sometimes.
We're all actually wonderful.
Well. I am, at least. *Loads gun* right guys?!
R u sure your hips don't lie? o-ó
(Mar 9, 2016, 01:15 PM)Safira Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome to L2 Sir Ees.
I'm Saf-Eee-Rah.
Not Saf-eye-rah.
Not Safari.
Not Shakira.
And I'm the coolest one out of everyone here, so my welcoming post means a great deal.

Also don't be scared to post! Enzyme's (That's the big mean and aboosive SA) only scary sometimes.
We're all actually wonderful.
Well. I am, at least. *Loads gun* right guys?!
Would have been scarier if you would have showed us car keys.
OT: Welcome to Limelight, I don't play that much anymore since I resigned unfortunately. Nice to meet you anyways though!