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Full Version: BR for [L²:RP] Totally Not Hamza
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Name of Player: [L²:RP] Totally Not Hamza
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:93571240
Server: V33X
Time: Around 23:25
Summary: I was arresting TOS for punching another man.
It was crowded, and there were alot of those hoodie-guys. (Anarchists?)

Anyhow, he was fleeing, so I tazed him. After I tazed him, Hamza and some other guy (didn't catch his name) started jumping and punch on TOS's body.


It's not the best photo, but I guess that the admin can check the logs at the given time and see the damagereport.
From that picture its hard to determine who was the one punching the ragdoll. I've looked in the logs and all i got was this.

Quote:v33x [23:32:59] TOS (STEAM_0:0:30755662) suicided

So as for the player report, I will have to deny it based upon the evidence doesn't show anything and nor do the logs.


- Server Administration Team
                  - [L²] Brynn