Mar 7, 2016, 09:19 PM
Server [US/EU]: Both
Map: Both
Description: The stolen paramedic/police officer uniforms when equipped, give the players the old model and not the new one. It looks really weird and can justify "metagaming" via "that is not how the government uniform looks like so you are a fraud" kind of thing, which is, I think, not the intention.
Bug is [In-Game/On Forums/Other]: In-game
Since when have you experienced the bug? Since the new police/medic uniforms were implemented.
Additional Information: N/A
Images/Screenshots: N/A
Map: Both
Description: The stolen paramedic/police officer uniforms when equipped, give the players the old model and not the new one. It looks really weird and can justify "metagaming" via "that is not how the government uniform looks like so you are a fraud" kind of thing, which is, I think, not the intention.
Bug is [In-Game/On Forums/Other]: In-game
Since when have you experienced the bug? Since the new police/medic uniforms were implemented.
Additional Information: N/A
Images/Screenshots: N/A