Uhh this server good but i am from norwey and the admin dont liked me becuse i am not speaking rthey only know 4 langui but i dont knowed them so they banned me becuse i am speaking my mouk enzyme is mean cause i dont speak like him on big talk so maby he will make mymouk difrent langui im not sure
yea enzyme is a big bully we need to stop him
Thank you admine you know how my mouk is feeling
no problem i am here to help and stop tyranny
How come you speak my l;angui but he telling me that i have to spek engli why your engli is like mine?
english is so weird and mind boggling i dont know my friend
you are not my friend you are my brother my friend, your engli is like mine how come he banned me my mouk didnt mean it. admin plz dont banned me
thank you my brother. enzyme is abuse so thats why he ban you
You surely have made an impression on me, lad.
Don't worry, Saf no haba englãis too.
Welcome to L2 anyways!
Enzime i like you mouk but you banned me because i not did noting i promize if you unbanned me i will learn to speak like you my brother because my mouk is good admin plz dont banned me
Enzime i like you mouk but you banned me because i not did noting i promize if you unbanned me i will learn to speak like you my brother because my mouk is good admin plz dont banned me
Enzime why cant we be frieends i not want to be at you no more but i not spek you langui so i dont know how telling you it.