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Full Version: Player Report against GOD SAVE THE PISS
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Name of Player : GOD SAVE THE PISS
SteamID : STEAM_0:0:128324890
Server : v33X
Time : ~17:10
Summary : "GOD" was calling the police multiple times on us because of weaponry. (Know from a friend) No Cop was responding and then he just wrote this in OOC (evidence). Because of this a hole raid started. (There wasnt even a law against weaponry)
Evidence : [Image: FF9107D65A6BA4A4CE97A0BCDE30DD089E906BCE]
Involved: Yes it was right a big raid startet because of this and the Police raid Nudel without a warrant because a other Player lockpick the doors open (idk who it was).
This isn't the most severe rule breakage I've seen. It's equally the fault of those raiding as it is of GOD. I'll issue an OOC blacklist. Approved.