Goodbye dude.... I remember all the way back on FL when you were just a player and you were promoted to mod wondering who the hell you were, you did a sterling job
Whos been cutting onions?
dammit pred you didn't give me time to show you my dorito sign

NOOOOOO! You are not allowed to leave!
Bye and good luck with what you are doing!
All the best to you Pred.
Good Luck in your future endevours bud
Preditor.... Preditor you meant a lot to me. You were my mentor. The guy who accepted the young dumbass TheEliteGamer when nobody else would. I could never repay you for that.
Best of luck in whatever you do next man. I'll still be poking you from time to time to talk or play something.
Thanks for these great 3 years.
Shame, we used to be pretty close before your admin duties swept you away. Though I fear now that's not the only reason, there are other factors at work here. Whether you wish to conquer those problems on your own, with those that are closest to you, or want to hit some stranger like me up in order to vent whatever shit you've been keeping to yourself - I'm always here, so hit me up if you wanna talk. Or if you wanna have a one-sided vent, I'll be there to listen.
Whatever you do, I'll wish you luck, and hope you return to the domain of us peasant players one day. It'll be dark down here with one less shining light to guide us on our path. See ya bud.
Hope you have a good one, it's a shame throughout your time in CityRP I didn't properly meet you.
Hope to see you around Pred, you're a good guy.
I still remember the time you responded to an @ call on the bridge on the top of nexus and I tazed you and you fell to your death. RIP
The feels m8. But seriously, it was fun having while you were online. We're gonna miss ya bud.
You've always been that guy who's friendly to everyone and I respect that. It was a pleasure mate.
Pred, I don't know what to say. Even though I am not a part of this community it makes me sad to see you depart from it just as it made me sad to see you depart from FL. You are one of the realest people I have ever met and am proud to call you my friend. Good luck with the things you do in the future.
Keep in touch.

I like to think I was one of the first to see your face, hahah.
Gluck at RPC.