Feb 23, 2016, 06:57 PM
Name of Player:
[FL:RP] Eggsy
Eggsy: STEAM_0:0:42169915
tr1693: STEAM_0:0:63174853
Server: V33X
Time: 16:45 PM
Summary: I was woodcutting then tr1693 came to me and stabbed me and that Knocked me out when I was saying in LOOC that I would call an admin he called a medic the medic came and revived me so after he revived me I went over to tr1693 and started to beat him up his friend and him then got in their cars and they didnt so I hit it with my bat they both got out of the car and Eggsy started to attempt to prop kill me whilst tr1693 was killing me with the knife.
The First RDM:
The Prop Minging:
[FL:RP] Eggsy
Eggsy: STEAM_0:0:42169915
tr1693: STEAM_0:0:63174853
Server: V33X
Time: 16:45 PM
Summary: I was woodcutting then tr1693 came to me and stabbed me and that Knocked me out when I was saying in LOOC that I would call an admin he called a medic the medic came and revived me so after he revived me I went over to tr1693 and started to beat him up his friend and him then got in their cars and they didnt so I hit it with my bat they both got out of the car and Eggsy started to attempt to prop kill me whilst tr1693 was killing me with the knife.
The First RDM:
The Prop Minging: