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Full Version: Lost Boy Unban Request
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Your Name: What is your name?

Ban ID: What is your Ban ID(this isn't your SteamID)? 2002

Banned by: Who issued the ban? Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag. [font='Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif][L²:M] Cameron[/font]

Server: Which server did it happen on, V33X or Rockford? V33X

Ban Reason: What was the exact reason for the ban? D/C to avoid arrest.

Why should you be unbanned?: Why do you think you deserve/should be unbanned? Because 1. Wolfy was chasing me while there were literally 5 people on and everyone were woodcutting, i got out of the car with my gun up and aimin against him, he pulled an MP5, and injured me. Then he handcuffs me as im injured, and at the time there were no paramedics, MEANING i couldn't have been healed and arrested anyways. The ban doesn't make sense as i didn't leave to avoid it, i left because i didnt wanna sit there and wait to die and then have to walk there and everything to get my car again. So instead i left and went to bed. Didn't think much of it as there were no paramedics.

Evidence: Put anything here that would support your claims like a video or pictures. There's not much evidence for me to show, you could look at logs and probably see that there were no paramedics. 
I don't see any mention of weapons being pulled out? Regardless if there was a paramedic or not, you still D/C'd to avoid arrest. Why didn't you wait until you had died?

Not to mention you have broken various rules regarding use of OOC chat by insulting other players.

I'd like to hear Wolfy's version of events please.
(Feb 20, 2016, 02:11 PM)Cameron Wrote: [ -> ]I don't see any mention of weapons being pulled out? Regardless if there was a paramedic or not, you still D/C'd to avoid arrest. Why didn't you wait until you had died?

Not to mention you have broken various rules regarding use of OOC chat by insulting other players.

I'd like to hear Wolfy's version of events please.

I can admit to the OOC disrespect, i was tired and there were literally 5 players on. I didn't wait untill i had died cuz i was about to go to bed anyways and i figured that leaving when nobody could've healed me so he couldn't have arrested me anyways. The ban just seemed so pointless. It's almost as if i stole a cookie from a jar, then went to bed and got beat with a baseball bat when waking up.

However, please be mindful in the future regarding disconnecting to avoid RP situations and OOC insults.
(Feb 20, 2016, 02:31 PM)Cameron Wrote: [ -> ]Approved.

However, please be mindful in the future regarding disconnecting to avoid RP situations and OOC insults.

Thank you.