Whenever I try join I crash with fastdl on, without fastdl I dont crash, but if I get all the content packs I would still crash, somethings causing this I think in the content
I luv limelight and I really want to play :c
Try clearing your game cache(C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\cache).
If that doesn't work you might want to try reinstalling Garry's mod and unsubscribing from the workshop addons. I remember having a similar issue, which got fixed by reinstalling the game.
Tried everything but the cache thing
Soon hopefully getting a new computer which is windows not mac so I would have less problems, if I get the one I want :3
Also how'd u get dat forum donator rank, I donated loads and didnt get a forum donator rank
When you connect your forum account to your steam you should automatically get the donator status as long as your connected steam account has donator status.
Steam acc connected and my steam acc has donor status
Gonna get something called PlayOnMac
That will allow me to get the windows steam and the windows steam games and hopefully from there it could work. I have used it before and it runs games fine

(Feb 15, 2016, 12:09 PM)A Simple Waffle Wrote: [ -> ]Also how'd u get dat forum donator rank, I donated loads and didnt get a forum donator rank
If you do not have your rank but have your steam account linked, try sending Temmar a private message on the forums. Or make another post in the Bugs section about it. Good luck!