Hello hello!
There's nobody better than the players themselves capturing RP on the servers. That's why we want to see your screenshots!
The best ones will be picked as new loading screen images, and the submitters rewarded with $100k in-game.
There aren't many rules:
- No HUD should be visible (/hud to toggle)
- It should show an RP - beautiful pictures of a sunset on the lake are lovely but unless they showcase RP won't be picked!
- You can submit up to 3 shots, but you'll only be rewarded once
So, get to it!
Does it have to be passive RP?
How many pictures can we send max?
When does this comp end?
Great idea by the way can't wait to send my ideas

The day Temar made the CERB vehicles Pink.
(Feb 10, 2016, 03:01 PM)Safira Wrote: [ -> ][*]It should show an RP - beautiful pictures of a sunset on the lake won't be picked (unless there's fishing in it) !
Now I know this won't get picked but consider these small littlee points, and these are NOT the only pictures I'm gonna submit I'm going to take more soon with my friends once they come online.
The notes are
- This is technically not a lake, as this is in Rockford and it doesn't have a lake its a sea.
- The picture looks really beautiful and would look amazing for a loading screen.
I will also be posting more not just these and not the same style
Dis one be my entry, its a sunset, but over the freightyard RP
Took some today ^^
Some are Meh, some are good and yeah.. there you go.
Of some pictures i have differents versions.
For example:
The one with the Fire and the charger with less lightning lens flare.
The Black bar is there, because of the text "Please credit limelightgaming for the screenshots" (Or something like that), but i am sure you can give it a cinematic effect with adding a 2nd bar at the bottom. (Didnt wanted to do this, because of fear of messing the picture up)
-Updated with +1 New Picture - GMT 10:55:47 PM- 11 February 2016
-Updated with +3 Different Style Pictures - GMT 09:10:37 AM- 12 February 2016
-Updated wtih +7 Different angles Pictures - GMT 09:11:54 AM- 12 February 2016
-Updated with +2 New Pictures - GMT 09:16:18 AM - 12 February 2016
-Total Pictures: 22-
is there a time frame on this?