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Full Version: [FIXED PLEASE MOVE] Donation missing.
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Good evening, as it stands, I currently have a donation missing, if an admin would be so kind as to offer their assistance on this thread so I can PM them pictures of my paypal receipts so I can recieve the donator status.

I would prefer the privacy and knowledge that my information is safe.

Thank you.
link your steam account with your forums account and it will automatically do it
Negative. We are talking about an ingame donation for someone else. I know that I entered the credtials right because I always double check.
I have already donated for myself.
- Bump -
i need more details
the most recent i can find for you by steamid or email is
February 7, 2016, 7:28 pm for moneypacks
Temar, I will be Pm'ing you shortly with more details.
Thank you Temar.
Issued fixed, thank you for reporting it.