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Full Version: Weyland-Yutani Corporation
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(Feb 20, 2016, 01:52 PM)Admiral General Aladeen Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb 17, 2016, 06:44 PM)Judge Rage Wrote: [ -> ]
[Image: PS8qCOB.png]
[Image: 3DF8EAD882D7791D0E959219A55ABF9B4A70392D]

The Weyland-Yutani Corporation is proud to announce the opening of our new Evocity Offices, located on an artificial island created in the Evocity Lake. The building contains several offices, a public inquiry desk and advanced computer systems. 

Some photos of  the new facility are below.

[Image: 142356A1CF309E294C4EF252CA75B8D10AA760C0]

[Image: AA226D590C19FCB153D4625BC4B894E16537EAC5]

[Image: E470909553152D8BEB21AF1F3D3D97B9C30194EF]

[Image: D13DE2CAD95D6529941851EF13DCCCFA64B84E4E]

Original credits for the build go to Lizard and Admiral General Aladeen.

Winston Smith
Commander, Weyland-Yutani Colonial Marines

No no no no,
This looks like absolute crap, I'm making you a new HQ.
i won't complain 
hit me up on steam

Due to mass forum inactivity in this clan topic I am requesting some kind of update or proof of ingame activity, if this cannot be provided or an update is posted stateing this clan is now closed within 48hrs it will be moved into the Closed area of the Clan Forums.

If it is closed, and in the future you wish to re-open it, Feel free to message me to request its thread moved back into the active area
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