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Full Version: CMR's uneventful half-return
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So. Lotta shite has happened since I left L2.
Lemme start off with the basics:
>Got in to Modelling and HaloRP
>My first HaloRP server ended with it collapsing inwards, so joined another
>Owner of second was a [Redacted because lil kiddies]. So I told him to grip his ears and, if he pulls hard enough, remove his own head from his rectal cavity.
>Lot of staff from said server followed my lead, we formed our own server
>In charge of events, and plot stuff so didn't get the chance to come back to L2 to chill

So - I'm back, but ya won't see me on the server often, if at all. I'll be mainly helping peeps with clan stuff. Speaking of, you can find my post on clan skins and shizzle here:

Later peeps
CMR!! Omg I was so surprised when I saw you had a ts channel!! Hope to see you around and come on ts once and while! Cya around though!
Welcome back CMR you were the best sergeant I had! By the way the thread link doesn't exactly work due to it being an editpost link.
Welcome back! Hope to see you around.
Welcome back!
Glad to see your return friend.
Welcome back.
Welcome back
(Jan 24, 2016, 02:04 PM)Bambo Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome back CMR you were the best sergeant I had! By the way the thread link doesn't exactly work due to it being an editpost link.

Fixed link. Hurr Durr how do I forum. xD

I probs won't be on the server too often sadly, as I have my own shizzle to run (PRODUCT PLACEMENT BLARG), but I will defs be helping the community by sorting clan skins for peeps.
Holy potato mine on a porkchop swing! Welcome back!
Welcome back!