Jan 23, 2016, 06:06 PM
b] Badboy7902[/b]
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:148982560
Server: V33x
Time: 15:00 -15:20 , 23.1.2016 (In GMT)
Summary: RDM, Fail-RP & shooting tranqed people.
There was group of masked criminals: Trident, TeaCake and DA HOODS PRANKS hostaged few cititzens. They made Defensive pact with us Kingpin Cartel. I was with RK-Fin on the forest hills near Corleone villa with snipers to make our part of the contract as police were raiding that masked criminal faction. Then Badboy7902 arrived from nowhere to there with his car, job as criminal. And said that that he will assist us. We told him to go and get his car out of there. Badboy walked to his car and left. Then we continued our mission. After few minutes Badboy tranqed me from behind and then shot me while I was on on the ground tranqed. Then he shot my friend RK-Fin with Ar15. And of course looted us.
I told on pm to him that, that was RDM. He told to me that he was "with police all the time." (as criminal which is Failrp) Then we called admin and Nacreas came to settle the issue. Badboy had then afterwards changed his job to "The Resistance" (because he knew he as RDM:ing.) Then the story changed that the hostaged people were his friends, allthough he couldnt name any person who were hostaged. Then Nacreas told to make a Ban request to settle this. The real reason why Badboy attacked us were just to loot the snipers from us, as he did in the end.
Evidence: The Combat logs. & Chat logs. Also Nacreas was evidencing some of the claims.
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:148982560
Server: V33x
Time: 15:00 -15:20 , 23.1.2016 (In GMT)
Summary: RDM, Fail-RP & shooting tranqed people.
There was group of masked criminals: Trident, TeaCake and DA HOODS PRANKS hostaged few cititzens. They made Defensive pact with us Kingpin Cartel. I was with RK-Fin on the forest hills near Corleone villa with snipers to make our part of the contract as police were raiding that masked criminal faction. Then Badboy7902 arrived from nowhere to there with his car, job as criminal. And said that that he will assist us. We told him to go and get his car out of there. Badboy walked to his car and left. Then we continued our mission. After few minutes Badboy tranqed me from behind and then shot me while I was on on the ground tranqed. Then he shot my friend RK-Fin with Ar15. And of course looted us.
I told on pm to him that, that was RDM. He told to me that he was "with police all the time." (as criminal which is Failrp) Then we called admin and Nacreas came to settle the issue. Badboy had then afterwards changed his job to "The Resistance" (because he knew he as RDM:ing.) Then the story changed that the hostaged people were his friends, allthough he couldnt name any person who were hostaged. Then Nacreas told to make a Ban request to settle this. The real reason why Badboy attacked us were just to loot the snipers from us, as he did in the end.
Evidence: The Combat logs. & Chat logs. Also Nacreas was evidencing some of the claims.