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When you get halfway in the rockford elevator the doors will bust you and kill you, normally elevator doors feel you and retract IRL unless this happensĀ but thats rare
The Rockford elevator is pretty bugged and lots of people got stuck in it during a raid today.
We'll have our devs take a look. Hopefully it's not a serious bug with the map.

It may be that we just have to remove the doors on the elevator.
That and maybe make the delay slower on when you can activate the lift? Because during that same raid they were able to spam the lift so the doors would open an inch and then immediately retract causing the way to stay blocked.
Yeah. I was the hostage at the time yesterday as I was VP. & I have to say the lifts are pretty annoying
yeah yesterday i got stuck in it as pres and painted eevrything red. RIP
But more better then the evocity when we need to wait 10 mins to get down to nexus from top floor...
Is this still a thing?
May not be in the new map. This was on the original rockford.
Haven't heard of it occurring on the new map. If it does, please make a new post. Cheers.