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Full Version: Stock Market Closed
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I made a thread about this yesteday, now it seems silly. Why does the stock market keep closing at random times?
It closes everyday at 6 PM EST and requires a staff member to check over the generated prices and reopen. Seeing as there are bugs with the main stock graph we're leaving it down for a day until Mathias can get a chance to look over it and fix the current bugs.
(Jan 18, 2016, 07:02 PM)Noble Wrote: [ -> ]It closes everyday at 6 PM EST and requires a staff member to check over the generated prices and reopen. Seeing as there are bugs with the main stock graph we're leaving it down for a day until Mathias can get a chance to look over it and fix the current bugs.

Well, It seems exactly everytime the market closes, specifically Cerberus goes up in value. Maybe a coincidence or a bug? Maybe it's a bug which makes it so Cerberus goes up in value at that time? (Would be weird. Idk how it works.)
Stock values are generated when the market closes, and their clan has been extremely active on the server as of late. Hence why their market value is going up.
(Jan 18, 2016, 10:45 PM)Noble Wrote: [ -> ]Stock values are generated when the market closes, and their clan has been extremely active on the server as of late. Hence why their market value is going up.

So when does it usually open? From now?
Stock market back up and functioning normally.
