Hi. As many people know, I have been minging around and in general failRP and breaking the rules. I have received countless warnings by the admins. I want to apologize to the community for my past month of rule beaking. This does not excuse me of anything, I just want to let the community know I am reforming my behavior. The ban I got brought be back to reality. I hope when I get back to LL nobody keeps any grudges against me.
I for one appreciate your honesty. That takes a lot of guts to admit. I will look forward to seeing you come back. If things start getting out of hand, take a breath, step back a bit. And if available, talk to one of us.
We are all in here for fun. And we are a community that comes from all over this world to work together and have some good old fashioned RP.
Take this time to make plans, think about the awesome things you can do, the RP events and what your own character is and isn't.
I respect you for this. Keep it real.
(Jan 10, 2016, 12:23 AM)SirWulf Wrote: [ -> ]I for one appreciate your honesty. That takes a lot of guts to admit. I will look forward to seeing you come back. If things start getting out of hand, take a breath, step back a bit. And if available, talk to one of us.
We are all in here for fun. And we are a community that comes from all over this world to work together and have some good old fashioned RP.
Take this time to make plans, think about the awesome things you can do, the RP events and what your own character is and isn't.
I respect you for this. Keep it real.
Thanks man!
Totally fine, you dont need to apologies, just learn from your mistakes that is all.
Just enjoy yourself

we cool, we cool.
As a general disclaimer I just want to point out that unless they're a real cunt-nugget, most admins don't really enjoy handing out bans; if we do its as the 'last resort' so people will learn.
In this case, looks like you've taken what's been told to you on board and we - or I at least - appreciate someone who can see their wrong and fix it.
Forget about grudges brah: I don't even remember what I had for lunch today.

(Jan 10, 2016, 07:09 AM)Safira Wrote: [ -> ]we cool, we cool.
As a general disclaimer I just want to point out that unless they're a real cunt-nugget, most admins don't really enjoy handing out bans; if we do its as the 'last resort' so people will learn.
In this case, looks like you've taken what's been told to you on board and we - or I at least - appreciate someone who can see their wrong and fix it.
Forget about grudges brah: I don't even remember what I had for lunch today.

I love banning people.
OT: No need to apologize bud, we've all been there. I understand how you feel and it'll all be alright as long as you learn. Which I'm sure you will.
"there are no mistakes, just happy accidents" - Bob Ross