Well hello, I'm an old user of FL:RP and can't play GMod because my pc's screen is broken and I have another computer which I wanna change the hard drives, but well, I'll be on the forums untill I get everything fixed, and happy 2016
and why is FL:RP Forgotten?
Due to a disagreement with the owner of FL the majority of the previous team decided to go our seperate ways and start limelight as well felt the running of FL was against our moral values
The team of Limelight gaming do not have anything against Fearless RP.
https://archive.is/UjQzA - our staff resignation thread can be read here as to what happened
Anyway welcome.
Welcome to LimeLight
To avoid any issues, please change your forum username.
Welcome to Limelight, should change that username

(Jan 11, 2016, 07:20 PM)Blurr Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome to Limelight, should change that username 
Why should he ;/, his choice.